Bulletin Board


A calendar of events throughout Connecticut and parts of Massachusetts.

Local Jewish community organizations are invited to submit events to the calendar. Events must be received one week prior to the bi-weekly publication of the Ledger. Send submissions to Ledger editor Judie Jacobson at judiej@jewishledger.com. We reserve the right to edit calendar items.


Springfield, Mass. – Event to honor Rachel’s Table volunteers, featuring dessert, speakers, gifts and gratitude, 7-9 p.m., at Sinai Temple, 1100 Dickinson St. Send in Rachel’s Table volunteer photos from past years for a planned video montage to be presented at the event. For information: Jodi at jfalk@jewishwesternmass.org or call (413) 733-0084.

Stamford, Conn.— A Conversation with Author Rich Cohen; 6:30 p.m. Author Rich Cohenells the story of Herbie: The King of Bensonhurst: The World’s Best Negotiator —and Cohen’s wise, wisecracking father, who wrote the bestselling business classic You Can Negotiate Anything. Cohen is a contributing editor at Vanity Fair and Rolling Stone and co-creator, with Martin Scorsese, Mick Jagger and Terence Winter, of the HBO series Vinyl. Networking ,light dinner, drinks at 7:15. Presented by UJA-JCC Greenwich at Serendipity Labs, 700 Canal St. $36/person


West Hartford, Conn. — “The Rescuers” Remastered Film Screening & Conversation,” 6:45 p.m. “The Rescuers,” from Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Michael King and Producer, Joyce D. Mandell, uncovers the largely unknown stories of 13 diplomats who saved tens of thousands of Jews during World War II. The film follows Stephanie Nyombayire, a young Rwandan anti-genocide activist who lost 100 members of her family in the Rwandan Genocide of the 1990s, and Sir Martin Gilbert, the renowned 20th century and Holocaust historian, as they travel across three continents interviewing survivors and descendants of the diplomats. A panel discussion will discuss what leads one person and not another to do the right thing regardless of the consequences they may face. At the Mandell JCC, 335 Bloomfield Ave. For more information, visit mandelljcc.org.


Sherman, Conn.— “Kind of Normal” Summer Music Series presents The Bluesyland Band; 7 p.m.;  led by singer/songwriter Dean Snellback, Bluesyland and featuring vocalist Justine Arnold plays music from the Delta, Memphis and Chicago stylings to jazzy, swing or country blues. Other musicians include, Jim Nowak on bass, George Hanlon on guitar, Tim O’Connell on drums, and Whit Campbell on sax. For information, visit jccinsherman.org.


Windsor, Conn.— “Tosh & Nosh,” at 6 p.m.; Join the Emerging Leadership Division of the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford for Tashlich, to cast your transgressions of last year into the water and welcome the new Jewish year; beverages and snacks provided. FREE. To register and receive location access, email Rebecca Lenkiewicz at rlenkiewicz@jewishhartford.org. 

West Hartford, Conn.— “Jews of the Forest:  A Story of Holocaust Resistance and Survival” with author Rebecca Frankel, 4-5:30 p.m., in the University of Hartford’s Wilde Auditorium; co-sponsored by the Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Hartford and the Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life at the University of Connecticut.  New York Times best-selling author and West Hartford native, Rebecca Frankel, is best known locally for recording the inspiring story of the Rabinowitz family who narrowly escaped the Nazi ghetto in their Polish town by fleeing to the forbidding Bialowieza Forest. Into the Forest:  A Holocaust Story of Survival, Triumph, and Love was named a 2021 National Jewish Book Award finalist and one of Smithsonian Magazine’s “Ten Best History Books of 2021.”


Bloomfield, Conn.—50th Anniversary Celebration of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford, at Tumble Brook Country Club, 376 Simsbury Rd., 6 – 8:30 pm. For more information, email Elana MacGilpin, emacgilpin@jcfhartford.org


Hartford, Conn.— “The Roots of Beth El Temple and The Emanuel Synagogue”; 10 a.m. 12 noon; kosher brunch at Faith Adventist Church, 500 Woodland St. Speakers will share reflections on the history of the two synagogues and the church that have shared connections to this building over time. The Emanuel Synagogue, the region’s first Conservative congregation, stood at the intersection of Woodland and Greenfield Streets, near Keney Park, from 1927 to 1967. In 1953, a group of Emanuel families who wanted a synagogue in West Hartford joined together to create the Beth El Temple, which opened in 1956. Hosted by the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford. So-sponsored by the Brotherhoods of Emanuel and Beth El. For more information, visit jhsgh.org. $12


Orange, Conn.—Eight houses of worship in Orange will host “Tour De Faith,” a unique program that gives people an opportunity to experience the town’s religious diversity and learn from clergy about different faiths. A program of Congregations of Orange Collaborative, it will feature “tours” of two houses of worship — Congregation Or Shalom (12 noon- p.m.) and St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church (1:15 – 2:15 p.m.). For more information, contact Nancy Kline at nancykline@gmail.com.  See the full story about the newly formed Congregations of Orange Collaborative in the Around SNE section of this issue.



Greenwich, Conn.— From Actress to Activist: Noa Tishby in Conversation with Bryanna Kallman, hosted by UJA-JCC Greenwich at Indian Harbor Yacht Club; 6:30 p.m. cocktails, 7:30 p.m. program. Noa Tishby, author Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood County on Earth, was appointed as Israel’s first special envoy for combatting antisemitism and delegitimization of Israel. After her army service, she became an actress, appearing in TV shows, films and more. She is executive producer of the Israeli show “In Treatment, which was sold to HBO, making it the first Israeli show to become an American series. A major Israel advocacy influencer, TIshby has over 250,000 Instagram followers. Registration opens August 30. For information: info@ujajcc.org.

A Shayna Maidel at Playhouse on Park, Oct. 30 – Nov. 17
Oppose resolutions to block arm sales to Israel
Arab-Israeli Conflict: 1945 to 1949

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