Around Connecticut Southern New England News

Residents Council Officers Installed at The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home of Fairfield's Residents Council

On hand at The Jewish Home in Fairfield for the recent installation of 2011-2012 officers for the Home’s Residents Council were: (standing, l to r) Ellen Ashkins, director of resident life; Andrew H. Banoff, president and CEO of the Home; Rosalie Kaufman, therapeutic recreation director; (seated, l to r) Carol Engelman, secretary; Selma Rosenblatt, president; Susan Resnick, vice president resident affairs; Teresa Guzzo, vice president  programming; and Gertrude Kantrowitz, vice president at large.  Not shown: Barbara Spat, vice president at large.
“Part of my heritage is giving to others,” said Residents Council president Selma Rosenblatt. “My age keeps me from being as physically active as I used to be as a volunteer. Serving as an officer is a way I can still give to my community.”

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