B'nai Mitzvah Jewish Life

B’nai Mitzvah

ETHAN LANDSMAN, son of Eileen and David Landsman, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, March 9 at Congregation B’nai Israel in Bridgeport.

HANNAH MALKIN, daughter of Kim and Drew Malkin, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, March 9 at Temple Sinai in Newington.

ALISON MARKUS, daughter of Laurie and Ilan Markus, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, March 9 at Congregation B’nai Israel in Bridgeport.

LEON PASTERNAK, JR., son of Leon Pasternak, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, March 9 at Congegation Beth El in Fairfield.

AUTHOR’S CORNER: “The Jewish Community of Amherst: The Formative Years, 1969-1979”
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