STAMFORD – Eliezer Silverman, a longtime educator, is the author of a new book aimed at imparting “middot” – Jewish values – to tweens. #Torah for Tweens is a collection of divrei Torah (words of Torah), one for each Torah portion, that is specifically geared to tweens.
“Practicing middot infuses our lives with a caring attitude for those with whom we interact, and allows us to have a better understanding of other people as well as ourselves,” said Silverman. “The prophet Micah said it best: ‘God has told you, what is good and what the Lord demands of you – to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.’”
“By applying the middot in the Torah to your life, you will realize that the Torah is not just an object that sits in the ark at a synagogue, but is a blueprint for leading a meaningful life,” he added.
According to Silverman, both the Bi-Cultural Day School in Stamford and Carmel Academy in Greenwich plan to implement the book into their school curriculum this coming year.
“My hope is that this book will help tweens in their crucial formative years to embrace middot that will guide them later in life,” said Silverman, who is chair of the Torah Committee at the Young Israel of Stamford. “In turn, they will transmit these values as a living example for their children.”
#Torah for Tweens is published by Next Century Publishing. For more information, contact Eliezer Silverman at (203) 353-8557.