US/World News

Jewish teens convicted of murdering Arab teen sentenced

( Two out of the three Jewish teenagers convicted of burning 16-year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir to death in July 2014 received prison sentences on Feb. 4 in a Jerusalem court. One of the murderers, 17, was given a life sentence. A second murderer, 16, was sentenced to 21 years in prison. The third convicted teenager is attempting to plead insanity and has not yet been sentenced. The names of all three Jewish teenagers remain under gag order. Abu Khdeir, an Arab boy from Shuafat in eastern Jerusalem, was kidnapped and burned to death while waiting to enter a mosque, an attack carried out in retaliation for Hamas terrorists’ kidnapping and murder of three Jewish teenagers in Gush Etzion in June 2014. In addition to the prison sentences, the two sentenced murderers were ordered to pay NIS 30,000 (about $7,700) to the Khdeir’s family; and one of those convicted was ordered to pay NIS 5,000 (about $1,300) to the family of another Arab teenager who the group had attempted to kidnap.

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J. Zel Lurie was former editor, publisher of Hadassah Magazine

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