Around Connecticut Southern New England News

Deeds done to fulfull 100% of the needs

Pitching in at the Deeds for Needs boutique were (left to right) Robin Fierston, Stephanie Gitlin, Lauri Miller, Melissa Weinstock, Debbie Glassman and Anne Danaher.

Deeds for Needs, Inc. and the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford joined forces to help keep kids in need warm during the cold winter months through an innovative clothing drive – or “boutique” – held at the Mandell Jewish Community Center on Jan. 13. The brainchild of Deeds for Needs co-founders Robin Fierston, Stephanie Gitlin and Melissa Weinstock, who collaborated with Federation, here’s how it worked:  Jewish Family Services of Greater Hartford came up with a list of 100 items of clothing needed by more than 50 area children – infants through teenagers – who are among their client families. Participants had several options:  they could select an item on the list and drop it off at the boutique; buy an item of clothing at the boutique from the section pre-purchased and on display; or make a monetary donation for items to be purchased for future needs.
“This idea was ingenious,” said Anne Danaher, executive director of Jewish Family Services, “they set up a clothing ‘boutique’ so that people could participate and fill needs immediately. This drive served a significant need for children who are served at JFS who may not have been able to purchase this warm clothing otherwise.”
For more information on Deeds for Needs email

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