(JNS.org) Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activists are angry over a mention of the partially Israeli-owned hummus brand Sabra on the first episode of Stephen Colbert’s version of the “Late Show” on CBS. During the show, a series of skits included one in which Colbert claimed that an “ancient cursed amulet” is “forcing him to make “certain regrettable compromises” by plugging certain products on his show. “The amulet commands me to inform you of the delicious taste of tonight’s sponsor, Sabra roasted red pepper hummus. It’s made from simple, fresh ingredients that bring people together one bite at a time,” Colbert said, scooping the hummus on camera. Although Sabra is a U.S.-based company, it is co-owned by Israeli food manufacturer Strauss and the multinational PepsiCo corporation. The mention of the brand on the show elicited angry tweets by BDS activists, who accused Colbert of collaborating with a product from the “Israeli occupation.”