TORONTO (JTA) — Jews in Canada’s far North have received a government grant to document Jewish history in the Yukon. The $55,000 grant from the Yukon territorial government will allow the Jewish Cultural Society of Yukon to research a small, Gold Rush-era Jewish cemetery in Dawson City and the influence wielded by the Jewish community there, CBC News reported. The information will be used to create a mobile display that will travel across Canada, said Rick Karp, the society’s president.
A Jewish cemetery containing the remains of seven unidentified people was discovered in Dawson City in 1998. It was rededicated in a ceremony conducted by a rabbi and attended by Canada’s deputy prime minister. The last person was buried there in 1930, but Karp said a Jewish Yukoner has expressed interest in being laid to rest there. There were nearly 200 Jews in the Yukon during the Gold Rush, Karp told CBC, and their influence extended beyond the Klondike after they left.
“A lot of people came up here, got a lot of wealth, went back to their communities and made a contribution,” he said. “Some very serious donations were made because of the wealth created by the Gold Rush.”