A calendar of activities, programs and seders around the state.
Westport – Congregation for Humanistic Judaism Sunday School Model Seder, 10:30-11:45 a.m., Bedford Middle School, 88 North Ave., RSVP: (203) 293-8867 or info@humanisticjews.org.
Canton – “Spring is Here – Let’s Celebrate,” Mandell JCC family Passover program at Roaring Brook Nature Center, 2 p.m., 70 Gracey Road, (860) 231-6327, emacgilpin@mandelljcc.org. $5, register by Mar. 25
Fairfield – Model Matzah Bakery for families; an interactive workshop hosted by Chabad of Fairfield; Chabad of Fairfield, 1571 Stratfield Rd., (203) 373-7551, office@chabadFF.com. $7/child; FREE/parents.
Greenwich – Shir Ami Shindig for Tots, 10 a.m. – noon, bake matzah, holiday crafts, Passover stories and songs with Rabbi Axe, at private home, (203) 274-5376.
Westport – Congregation for Humanistic Judaism Sunday School Model Seder, 10:30-11:45 a.m., Bedford Middle School, 88 North Ave., RSVP: (203) 293-8867 or info@humanisticjews.org.
Woodbridge – Passover Palooza, use your five senses to recreate the Passover story, race to clean up chametz, make your own matzah and more, 12:30-3 p.m., JCC of Greater New Haven, 360 Amity Road, (203) 387-2522MONDAY, MARCH 30
Bloomfield – Nursery school and kindergarten interactive seder for children and their family and friends, 9:30 a.m., Bess and Paul Sigel Hebrew Academy, 53 Gabb Road, (860) 243-8333.
Canton – PJ Library Passover Storytime, 11 a.m., Barnes & Noble, The Shoppes at Farmington Valley, (860) 231-6327. FREE
Hartford – Sixth Annual Interfaith Hunger Seder to raise hunger awareness, led by Rabbi David Small and Rev. Shelley D. Best, 4:30 p.m., Old Judiciary Room, Connecticut State Capitol, RSVP: jfact@mcmgmt.com or (860) 727-5789.
Stamford – Passover “Shanahnah with Sandi,” for children 6 months to 2 years with parents or caregivers, with songs, movement activities, stories and a snack, 9:15- 10 a.m., Stamford JCC Sara Walker Nursery School, 458 Lakeside Drive, Reservations required: (203) 322-6541. $5/child
Stamford – Stanley Ferber Memorial Senior Passover Seder, led by Hazzan Sidney Rabinowitz, followed by traditional Passover meal, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Stamford JCC, 1035 Newfield Ave., (203) 487-0983. FREE for all seniors.
West Hartford – PJ Library Passover Storytime, 10:30 a.m., Barnes & Noble, Blue Back Square, (860) 231-6327.
Glastonbury – PJ Library Passover Storytime, 10:30 a.m., Barnes & Noble, Somerset Square, (860) 231-6327.
Glastonbury – Family Passover Seder with full course meal, discussion, handmade shura matza, 6:45 p.m., Chabad Jewish Center, 25 Harris St., (860) 659-2422. $30/pp; $80/family max.
Litchfield – Community Passover Seders hosted by Chabad of Northwest CT; 7 p.m.; at the Litchfield Inn, 432 Bantam Rd., www.chabadNW.org/seder. $49/adults; $36/seniors; $25/children; $125/family max. See also Apr. 4
Newington – Passover Seder following 6 p.m. Shabbat service, Temple Sinai, 41 West Hartford Road, RSVP by Marc h 25: (860) 561-1055.
Chester – Second night Community Passover Seder, 6 p.m., with chicken, brisket, matzoh-ball soup and kid-friendly options, Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek, RSVP by March 20: (860) 526-8920.
Litchfield – Community Passover Seders hosted by Chabad of Northwest CT; 7 p.m.; at the Litchfield Inn, 432 Bantam Rd., www.chabadNW.org/seder. $49/adults; $36/seniors; $25/children; $125/family max. See also Apr. 3
Manchester – Community Seder, 7:30 p.m., Beth Sholom B’nai Israel, 400 Middle Turnpike East, (860) 643-9563, ext. 104
Scarsdale, N.Y. – Second Night Passover Seder with potluck festive meal, 6-9:30 p.m., hosted by Congregation Shir Ami of Greenwich at Westchester Reform Temple, 255 Mamaroneck Road, Register March 27: (203) 274-5376.
West Hartford – Community Seder, catered by Abel Caterers, 8 p.m., Beth David Synagogue, 20 Dover Road, Register: (860) 236-1241. $36/adults; $30/children under 12; $125/family max.
Westport – Congregational Second Night Seder, 6 p.m., hosted by Temple Shalom of Norwalk at Rolling Hills Country Club, 333 Hurlbutt St., (203) 866-0148, admin@templeshalomweb.org.
Newington – Music Shabbat featuring songs of Passover, 6 p.m., Temple Sinai, 41 West Hartford Road, (860) 561-1055.