US/World News

Writings of Albert Einstein now online

(JTA) – Thousands of documents including the scientific research and personal writings of Albert Einstein have been put online as a free searchable database. Five thousand documents from the first 44 years of the scientist’s life opened online last week via Princeton University Press. The database, called the Digital Einstein Papers, is part of the Einstein Papers Project. Princeton University Press is collaborating with the California Institute of Technology and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where the Albert Einstein Archives are housed, on the project.

Tens of thousands of articles and letters still remain to be sorted and scanned, the Inside Higher Education website reported. Thirteen volumes have been published of The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, the ongoing publication of his massive written legacy comprising more than 30,000 unique documents. The volumes are presented in their original language version with English language annotation, according to the website. Links are also available to English language translations of most documents.

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