US/World News

ON THE WEB: The UK fails at Jewish geography

Israelis love Tel Aviv. After all, with its vibrant night life, beautiful beaches, rich culture and diverse mix of people, what’s not to love? But when Britain’s Guardian newspaper declared Tel Aviv to be Israel’s capital, took to the streets of Tel Aviv to ask Israelis which city they look to as Israel’s capital. Their answers were made into a YouTube video.
Along the same lines… When the BBC listed “East Jerusalem” as the capital for the “Palestinian Olympic team,” but listed Israel without a capital, they were flooded with complaints. In response, the British television network only conceded that Israel’s “seat of government is Jerusalem” and added that “most foreign embassies reside in Tel Aviv.” And so, the Israeli Olympic team prepared a YouTube video in which the athletes say they are proud to represent Israel “and its capital Jerusalem.”

For the link to both YouTube videos visit vegihZ7Kkgw; RzJ_V1LdFSs

[vsw id=”vegihZ7Kkgw” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
[vsw id=”RzJ_V1LdFSs” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]

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