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Rabbi Lazowki receives Voices of Hope Lifetime Achievement Award

Alan Lazowski and his daughter Jesse Lazoski, proudly presented the Rabbi Phillip Lazowski, rabbi emeritus of The Emanuel Synagogue, with the L’Dor V’Dor Lifetime Achievement Award at the recent Voices of Hope “Evening of Hope – The Power of Music.” 

The funds raised at “Evening of Hope” will play a pivotal role in advancing the mission of Voices of Hope, which is to promote Holocaust education. The event supported Voices of Hope’s 4Ts:

TRAVEL opportunities to experience firsthand what no textbook can teach you; 

TRUNKS OF HOPE. A new program based on the lives of local Holocaust and genocide survivors;

TESTIMONY. A collection that includes ALL Holocaust and genocide survivors in our community

TEACHING. To expand materials and curriculum to educate about other genocides and to effectively address today’s issues facing high school and college students.

Alan Lazowski and his daughter Jesse Lazowski present Rabbi Phillip Lazowski Voice of Hope Lifetime Achievement Award

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