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New report: Antisemitic crimes rose 28% in 21 US cities in 2022

(JNS) Research from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) reveals an increase in the number of hate crimes against Jews (up 28%) and other minority groups in America’s most populous urban centers.

The 10 largest cities in the country saw an average increase of 22% in biased-based illegal incidents, hitting a new record of 1,889. The highest number of these crimes happened in Los Angeles—195 against black people, 98 against gay men, 91 against Jews and 88 against Latinos.

The largest percentage increase happened in Chicago, with an overall rise of 84% in hate crimes. For Jews, the increase was exponentially higher (500%), going from six crimes in 2021 to 36 in 2022. Seattle also saw a jump from one incident in 2021 to seven in 2022.

Of victims targeted on the basis of religion, Jews accounted for the lion’s share with 78% of religious-centered incidents—a total of 470 hate crimes in 2022. The report identified four religion-motivated murders last year, three against Shia Muslims by a Sunni terrorist and one killing of a Catholic who the perpetrator believed was Jewish.

Of the 470 hate crimes against Jews, most of them (261) took place in New York City, which saw a 33% increase from 2021’s 196.

The report identifies a key factor impacting antisemitic crimes: the intensity of conflicts in the Middle East. During the Gaza War in May 2021, for example, antisemitic crimes in cities went up 59%.

While most cities saw increases in hate crimes, notable exceptions with declines include San Diego; San Antonio; and Phoenix, Ariz.

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