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Greenwich family honored by IDF

The Dermont family of Greenwich, longtime supporters of Friends of the IDF (FIDF), was recently honored in Israel for their contribution towards the wellbeing of IDF soldiers through the FIDF “SOULdier Recharge” program.

SOULdier Recharge is a week-long educational program that takes combat soldiers out of their day-to-day operational activities and provides them with a chance to process their experiences on the battlefield and mentally prepare for what inevitably lies ahead. The curriculum is designed to educate soldiers about the nature of their duties as soldiers and citizens of Israel, while rejuvenating their spirits and encouraging camaraderie among units. It offers a range of activities including sports, cultural experiences, heritage courses, lectures, and social activities.

Heather Dermont and her two sons, Jasper and Dash, visited a sports center at an IDF base in Ashkelon last week where they were able to witness the direct benefits of their support, and meet the specific unit they supported, who presented the family with a certificate of recognition. Unable to attend was Heather’s husband, Jared.

“We are humbled to be able to give back to the soldiers in a small way as a thank you for all they do for Jews around the globe,” said Heather Dermont.

PHOTO: Dermont family

CAP: (L-R) Major Liron, Head of the Donations Section, IDF Personnel Department; Lieutenant Geffen; Segreant Ori; Sarit Gomez, FIDF; Dash Dermont; Heather Dermont; Lieutenant Hagar, Human Resources Officer in the Welfare and Donations Branch, IDF Personnel Department; Jasper Dermont, Nitzan Bukchin. Credit: Courtesy of IDF

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