A calendar of events throughout Connecticut and parts of Massachusetts.
Local Jewish community organizations are invited to submit events to the calendar. Events must be received one week prior to the bi-weekly publication of the Ledger. Send submissions to Ledger editor Judie Jacobson at judiej@jewishledger.com. We reserve the right to edit calendar items.
Greenwich, Conn.(virtual)— UJA-JCC Greenwich David Film Festival presents “March ’68” (Poland, 115 min.).Antisemitism forced 20,000+ Jews to emigrate from Poland in the wake of the Six Day War. March ’68 centers on two students who meet in Warsaw amidst the turmoil. The young lovers protest the unlawful expulsion of their colleagues from University and banned performances at the National Theatre. History, politics and romance converge in a gripping and rarely told story of Jewish persecution in communist Poland. For tickets and more information: ujajcc.org. Stream $9
West Hartford, Conn.—“Hartford Jewish, 1900-1925.” 5 .m. Presented by the Hartford Jewish Film Festival. A rediscovered documentary that explores the life of Hartford’ jews judging an era of peak immigration and urban growth. Hundreds of holographs, taped interviews, etc. Followed by a conversation with the Jewish Historical Society’s Michael Cohen and David Klay, moderated by Elizabeth Rose. Streaming March 27-April 2. Information: hjff.org. Tickets: $5
Orange, Conn. — New Haven Beit Hamidrash, Session 3: “Permission to Celebrate, with keynote speaker Rabbi Avi Spokek; 7 – 9 p.m. — at Temple Emanuel, 150 Derby Ave. Mishnah in Tractate Taanit teaches that “Mishenichnas Adar, marbim b’simcha”, when the month of Adar arrives we increase our joy. The focus on joy seems ironic; Adar is, after all, the month of Purim, the first diaspora holiday. While the holiday is celebratory, the story is troubling; the tropes that fill the Purim story are tropes with which we become familiar over the following millenia, our powerlessness as residents in lands not our own. Yet Purim is not a time for sadness, it is a time for joy. Find out why. The New Haven Beit Midrash is presented in partnership with Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek, Congregation B’nai Jacob, Ezra Academy, Beth El-Keser Israel (BEKI), Congregation Mishkan Israel, Temple Beth David, Temple Emanuel, Temple Beth Tikvah, Or Shalom and Westville Synagogue. For information: jewishnewhaven.org.
New Haven, Conn. – ZOOM program: “Immigration at our Southern Border: A Lawyer’s View on Recent Barriers to Asylum,” with attorney Liora Cohen-Fraade, 7:30 p.m. ZOOM link: https://zoom.us/j/9999101961?pwd=QjhUOGRybEdaRks3WXhqazBJK1gvUT09#success
Longmeadow, Mass.— Author Talk & Q&A with Elan Barnehama, who will read and discuss his latest book Escape Route; 7 p.m.; hosted by the Springfield Jewish Community Center as part of their2022-23 season of Leteratour, the JCC’s community-wide celebration of Jewish books and authors. Set in NYC during the tumultuous late 1960s, Escape Route is told by teenager Zach, a first generation son of Holocaust survivors and N.Y. Mets fan. Zach becomes obsessed with the Vietnam War and, because he believes that the U.S. will round up and incarcerate its Jews, spends his time planning an escape route for his family. Zach meets Samm, a seventh-generation Manhattanite who is grappling with the loss of her brother, a Vietnam veteran who suffered from PTSD and took his own life. Together, Samm and Zach explore protest, friendship, music, faith, and love during a time littered with hope and upheaval around the globe. For information or to register, visit springfieldjcc.org or call (413) 739-4715. FREE, registration required.
New Haven, Conn. – Author Talk by David DeJong on his book, Nazi Billionaires, part of the JCC of Greater New Haven’s Beckerman Family Jewish Cultural Arts Series, 7 p.m., Pre-recorded. Succession meets the Third Reich in Nazi Billionaires. David de Jong reveals the true story of how Germany’s wealthiest business dynasties amassed untold money and power by abetting the atrocities of the Third Reich – and how America allowed them to get away with it. Register: https://www.jccnh.org/beckerman-cultural-arts-series#tickets
Springfield, Mass. – Join Temple Beth El for a ZOOM presentation by award-winning journalist and best-selling author Yossi Klein Halevi, “What is happening in Israel? How do we as American Jews who care and love Israel respond?, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Yossi Klein Halevi is a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Together with Imam Abdullah Antepli of Duke University, he co-directs the Institute’s Muslim Leadership Initiative, which teaches emerging young Muslim American leaders about Judaism, Jewish identity and Israel. Halevi’s 2013 book, Like Dreamers, won the Jewish Book Council’s Everett Book of the Year Award. His latest book, Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor, is a New York Times bestseller. He writes for leading op-ed pages in the US, including the Times and the Wall Street Journal, and is a former contributing editor to the New Republic.RSVP by March 23. For the virtual link, contact the temple at communications@tbespringfield.org or llaudato@tbespringfield.org
Stamford, Conn. – Bicultural Hebrew Academy and the BCHA Players presents “Disney’s Frozen Jr.” 7 p.m., 2186 High Ridge Road, Tickets: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/bcha/847323?
Stamford, Conn. – Bicultural Hebrew Academy and the BCHA Players presents “Disney’s Frozen Jr.” 1:30 p.m., 2186 High Ridge Road, Tickets: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/bcha/847323?
Greenfield, Mass. – Havdalah Meet-Up at Temple Israel of Greenfield, 5-6 p.m., 27 Pierce St. This event will be hybrid in person in the Social Hall and on Zoom. We’ll say havdalah, the blessings that end Shabbat, and engage in great conversations! Light refreshments and snacks provided.
Accessibility Information: This event will take place in the Social Hall which is wheelchair accessible and will be on Zoom. Tables and chairs will be set up. COVID Protocols: Masks are required for everyone ages 3 and up except when eating. Please stay home if you or anyone in your house is sick or recently tested positive for COVID. Website: https://templeisraelgreenfield.org/events/havdallah-meet-ups-2023-01-21/
Bloomfield, Conn. – “For Your Seder Table: A Hands-on Workshop,” 1-3 p.m. at B’nai Tikvoh-Sholom, .” Spice up and adorn your Seder table with something new this year.1-3 p.m., In this workshop, we’ll learn about Miriam’s well and make beautiful glass Miriam’s Cups. We’ll also prepare a range of charoset recipes from around the Jewish world. This program is free and open to the entire community!Co-sponsored by BTS Sisterhood and the Neshama Center for Lifelong Learning. RSVP by Wednesday, March 22nd, to Lynn Kaplan-Goldberg at lynnkaplan@gmail.com or 860-944-1974.
Greenwich, Conn. (virtual) —Information session for a community mission to Berlin and Vienna organized by UJA-JCC Greenwich, to be held at 10 a.m.. Tour to be held Oct. 22-30, 2023, with views of these cities through modern jewish lenses with top guides and private educator. A tour of Vienna only may also be arranged. Additional Zoom meeting on Monday, February 27, 9:30 a.m. For more information: ujajcc.org.
Longmeadow, Mass. – “The Science of Passover,” Explore the Ten Plagues with hands-on science activities and a live animal demo from Out of the Ark! 10 – 11:30 a.m., at Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy (LYA) 1148 Converse St., a program of LYA, PJ Library, and Springfield JCC. This is a free event but donations are accepted.Virtual Link:https://springfieldjcc.wufoo.com/forms/z26om7e0rvdf0j/For more information: https://www.springfieldjcc.org/pj-library/
New Haven, Conn. – JCC of Greater New Haven Family Fun Day, featuring Inflatable Bounce House & Games in The Gym from 1-3 p.m., $15 Member/$25 Community
Sherman, Conn. – “The Future of Education in America,” part of the JCC in Sherman Sunday Speaker Series, with Dr. Mary Fernand, principal of The Sherman School and Dr. Missy Alexander, provost and vice president of academic affairs, Western Connecticut State University; moderated by P.D. Villareal, 1 p.m., 9 Route 39 South, RSVP: https://www.jccinsherman.org/upcomingevents/sunday-speaker-series-the-future-of-education-in-america
Springfield, Mass. – The Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts is excited to be joining The Braid’s Live on Zoom Season of Shows in 2023, inspiring and unexpected stories from the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. See Out Loud: Daring stories of the Jewish LGBTQIA+ Community, a new work of theater from The Braid. Real experiences, brought to life by professional actors, 7-8 p.m. The virtual series of shows is available at a subsidized rate for donors to the 2023 Annual Campaign, and available to students and all community members. Virtual Link: https://events.idonate.com/thebraid2 Website: https://events.idonate.com/thebraid2
Stamford, Conn. – Bicultural Hebrew Academy and the BCHA Players presents “Disney’s Frozen Jr.” 3 p.m., 2186 High Ridge Road, Tickets: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/bcha/847323?
West Hartford, Conn. – Israel On Screen at the Mandell JCC. Join us in celebrating Israel at 75 with a full day of Israeli films. The event will culminate with a screening and REELTalk of the film ‘Dead Sea Guardians’ followed by an Israeli dinner. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit HJFF.org
West Hartford, Conn.— “Eat, Drink and Connect,” 4 – 6 p.m., hosted by JTConnect at Congregation Beth Israel, 7-1 Farmington Ave.; JTConnect teen speakers will present Special Leadership Awards to Heather Fiedler and Ben Wexler. All are invited. Purchase tickets at jtconnect.org/celebrate.
Sherman, Conn. – Free Zumba class, 6 p.m., JCC In Sherman, 9 Route 39 South. RSVP: https://www.jccinsherman.org/upcomingevents/zumba-free-intro-class-1
West Hartford, Conn. – Humans of Israel Photography Exhibition, with photos by EReiz Kaganovitz, Chase Family Gallery, Mandell JCC, March 27 through April 28. Erez Kaganovitz, photographer and the human behind the Humans of Israel, has helped bridge a cultural gap in society both within and outside Israel. His work brings understanding, emotional connection, and unity to many around the world.
New Haven, Conn. – Author Talk by Robert Rotenberg on his book, The Cigar Factory of Isay Rottenberg, part of the JCC of Greater New Haven’s Beckerman Family Jewish Cultural Arts Series, 7 p.m., on ZOOM. The Cigar Factory of Isay Rottenberg is written by two of Rottenberg’s granddaughters, who knew little of their grandfather’s past until a call for claims for stolen or confiscated property started them on a journey of discovery. Register: https://www.jccnh.org/beckerman-cultural-arts-series#tickets
Northampton, Mass. – Beginning of Spring Jewish Family Jam, a weekly enriching, joy-filled, Jewish music and learning class for children 0-5 and their caregivers, 10:45-11:30 a.m., Lander Grinspoon Academy Library, 257 Prospect St. (Classes also on April 4, 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, and June 6 (no class 4/11. Registration is required. The cost is a one time $25 registration fee; Admissions are rolling so you can sign up anytime! Registration:http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=dd9qxciab&oeidk=a07ejndhjh1a8f8ee88&condition=SO_OVERRIDE
New Haven, Conn. – Author Talk with Dara Horn, who will speak on her book, People Love Dead Jews, 7 p.m., Yale University, Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall, Room 114 (SSS-114) Reception with the author to follow. Open to the public. Register: https://yalesurvey.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0eL6mp0sP02rBLU
Florence, Mass. – Pre-Passover Klezmer Benefit Concert and Palooza — featuring the phenomenal musicians Daniel Kahn & Jake Shulman-Ment in the Sanctuary, 7-8:30 p.m., with a pre-show doughnuts reception at 5:45 p.m.at Beit Ahavah, 130 Pine St. Tickets range from $25 – $75 and are now on sale here at: https://bombyx.live/events/benefit-klezmer-concert/ (Under 18 are free).
Greenwich, Conn.— The Annual Women’s Education Symposium; 9:30 – 11:30 a.m., hosted by UJA/JCC Greenwich at YWCA Greenwich, 259 Eat Putnam Ave. Main speaker: “Madam: The Biography of Polly Adler, icon of the Jazz Age, 9:30 – 10:10 a.m., with Debby Applegate, author of Pearl to Polly. Then choose “The Latecomer” with Jean Hanff Korelitz, or “Passover Dessert Demo,” with Rachel Licht, 10:15-1);50 a.m. “Coco at the Ritz: A Novel,” with author Gioia Diliberto at 10:55-11:30 a.m. For information: ujajcc.org. $54
Longmeadow, Mass. – Closing Ceremony of the Rachel’s Table Teen Board Hunger Awareness Artsfest ’23 6-7:30 p.m., Storrs Library, 693 Longmeadow St. View the gallery, hear from local speakers, and enjoy refreshments and music. The Hunger Awareness Artsfest sponsored by the Rachel’s Table Teen Board is an awareness campaign about childhood hunger. The artists created pieces around the theme “Growing up with Food Insecurity”. In addition to the creative process, youth explored Massachusetts and US statistics on this topic and had meaningful conversations about hunger. The Gallery will be on display through March 30. Bring a canned good as admission to the gallery. Website: https://sites.google.com/view/rachelstableteenboard-artsfest/home?authuser=0
Southbury, Conn. (virtual)— Women’s Seder 2023: Moving Forward in Harmony; 7 – 8:30 p.m. Seder will be led by Cantor Penny Kessler of United Jewish Center and Sacred Music Director Linda Goodman of B’nai Israel Southbury; seder meal will be available for same-day pick up, 11 — 1:30 a.m. at the Jewish Federation of Western CT, 444 Main St. North. Register by March 24. To register or for information, Cathy Conti cconti@jfed.net. $36
Springfield, Mass. – Tot Shabbat at Temple Beth El. Join Marlene Rachelle for a fun and lively Tot Shabbat service for children ages 6 & younger with their parents/grandparents. Following the program, everyone is invited to stay for Kiddush lunch, 11-11:45 a.m. at TBE, 979 Dickinson St., FREE sklc@tbespringfield.org
Greenwich – Congregation Shir Ami Third Night of Passover Pot Luck Dinner, 6:30 p.m.. at First Presbyterian Church. This service will be part meal, part Shabbat, and part Seder. Please register and sign up to bring one of your favorite Passover dishes: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejotsvdo815bc79b&oseq=&c=&ch=
Worcester, Mass.— Yom Hashoah program presented by Central Massachusetts Jewish Theatre Company: “Survivors,” by Wendy Kout, inspired by the testimonies of 10 Holocaust survivors from Rochester, N.Y. “Survivors” is suitable for grade 8 through adult audiences. A warning and wake-up call for the present and future. 8 p.m. at MJAC BrickBox Theater, 20 Franklin St.Also presented on April 16 at 2 p.m.
Worcester, Mass.— Yom Hashoah program presented by Central Massachusetts Jewish Theatre Company: “Survivors,” by Wendy Kout, inspired by the testimonies of 10 Holocaust survivors from Rochester, N.Y. “Survivors” is suitable for grade 8 through adult audiences. A warning and wake-up call for the present and future. 2 p.m. at MJAC BrickBox Theater, 20 Franklin St. Also presented on April 15 at 8 p.m.
Cos Cob, Conn. – Yom Hashoah Annual Communal Gathering with guest speaker Aliza Erber, sharing the story of her survival as a hidden child, 7 p.m., at Greenwich Reform Synagogue, 92 Orchard St. Register: https://www.ujajcc.org/index.php?src=events&srctype=detail&category=Community&refno=2988
Greenwich, Conn. – “Living in Jewish Time: Hitkansut Yom HaShoah, a Special Service for Living in Jewish Time: Hitkansut Yom HaShoah: A Special Service For Yom HaShoah (virtual)
New Haven, Conn. – “Yom Hashoah – We Remember,” a participatory, experiential BEKI Sisterhood Zoom program, honoring those who perished and those who survived the Shoah, at 7:30 p.m. If you are a descendant of a survivor and would like to share some words, contact shoshanazax@gmail.com. Yellow candles will be available in the BEKI lobby during the week preceding the program. Zoom Link: tinyurl.com/bekiuschmooze
Greenwich, Conn.— Dignity Grows Packing Party, 10. a.m. – 12 noon; held pack tote bags willed with sanitary products. Hosted by UJA-JCC Greenwich at their office, 1 Holly Hill Lane. Information: ujajcc.org. $18
West Hartford, Conn. “An Evening with Erez Kaganovitz,” Mandell JCC, 7 p.m. Erez Kaganovitz, photographer and the human behind the Humans of Israel, has helped bridge a cultural gap in society both within and outside Israel. His work brings understanding, emotional connection, and unity to many around the world.
Greenwich, Conn. – UJA-JCC of Greenwich Annual Celebration honoring the Weitzman Youth Award recipients and celebration Israel at 75, with comedian Joel Chasnoff, at Brace Museum