Bulletin Board

Why am I Afraid? Elie Wiesel on Antisemitism

A virtual memorial program to mark the upcoming yahrtzeit of Elie Wiesel — Eliezer ben Shlomo z”l— on the 26 Sivan, will be held on June 27 in the U.S. and Canada, 12 p.m..

Join us as we explore the thoughts of Elie Wiesel as he wrote of his fear nearly 50 years ago. His words provide an important context to understanding our own fears, and hearing his voice can help us connect with how his message reverberates for us today.

Hosted by Dr. Elana Heideman, PhD. Holocaust and Antisemitism Studies, mentored by Elie Wiesel, with special guest speaker Elisha Wiesel, philanthropist, activist, and the son of Elie and Marion Wiesel.

Presented by Israel Forever, Israelforever.org.

Reading volunteers needed
ADL Night on Broadway with Alex Edelman
Music of the Holocaust in Sherman, May 4 

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