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Purim Around CT!

Here are just some of the fun Purim events on the calendar this month. For Megillah readings and additional Purim events around Connecticut and Massachusetts contact your local synagogue or JCC.


Longmeadow, Mass. – Hamentasch Bake hosted by Chabad women, 7 p.m. at LYA, 1148 Converse Street. Bake your own hamentashen with unique fillings; learn about the four Purim mitzvot. Each participant will leave with supplies to create their own Mishloach Manot. RSVP to Chanie Cohen at (413) 731-1381 or chaniecohen@gmail.com. $20/including supplies and refreshments. 


Northampton, Mass. – LGA Fire Circle Havdallah and Purim “Warm Up,” 6:30-8 p.m., at Lander-Grinspoon Academy, 257 Prospect St. (with help from Abundance Farm). Dress up as your favorite character from the Megillah and lead a song your character would sing. Information/reservations: Debra Kolodny: dkolodny@landergrinspoon.org, or (413) 584-6622.


Longmeadow, MA – Chabad Hebrew School Public Purim Event, a Purim party for kids of all ages, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., 1148 Converse St. Information: Mushkie Kosofsky: mkosofsky@lya.org, (413) 262-8037.

Springfield, MA (ZOOM) – Purim with PJ Library! Come celebrate Purim virtually with music and puppets in a program led by Spencer Garfield at the Springfield JCC, 1160 Dickinson St., 1-2 p.m. Information/registration: Elise Barber: ebarber@springfieldjcc.org. (646) 391-3553.


Springfield, MA – Purim celebration hosted by Temple Beth El and Sinai Temple, 7 p.m. This event will be in-person and live-streamed. Registration and Covid waivers required for those who will attend in person. Schedule: 6 p.m. – Megillah reading; 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. Childrens’ Purim program for ages 6 & younger; 7 p.m. – Purim music; 7:15 pm – Purim party. Register at: sklc@tbespringfield.org. 

New Haven, CT – Purim festivities: Children’s Megillah reading 5:30-6:15 pm, followed by Children’s Costume Parade, dinner food kids 6:15-7 pm. Minchah & Maariv services at 6:30 p.m., followed by Megillah reading at 7 p.m. All in person and on Zoom. At Congregation Beth El – Keser Israel, 85 Harrison St.. For Zoom link: office@beki.org, (203)389-2108 x114.

West Hartford, CT – Purim Party Bus hosted by Jewish Teen Learning Connection; open to all teens. 5:15 pm, drop-off at Mandell JCC, 335 Bloomfield Ave.; 8:30 p.m., pickup at Beth David Synagogue, 20 Dover Rd. Highlights include party-hopping, bounce houses, scavenger hunts, games hamantaschen, prizes and more. Co-sponsored by USY BBYO, NUTSY, JSU and Endow Hartford 21. RSVP by March 11. Space is limited. Information: cara@jtconnect, org.


New Haven, CT – Megillah reading included in 7:30 a.m. services, in person and on Zoom. At Congregation Beth El – Keser Israel, 85 Harrison St. For Zoom link: office@beki.org, (203)389-2108 x114.

Worcester, Mass. – “All-Star Purim” at Polar Park; 6:30 p.m.; featuring Megillah reading, kosher Chinese, DJ & dancing, Purim face-painting, raffle prizes, and a Purim fashion runway for ages 2-15; prizes for all. Everyone in costume will be entered in the Grand Raffle, two tickets to a WooSox Game with kosher dinner and more. Information: (508) 756-1543 or email: info@jfcm.org.


Shadow Theater, a contemporary retelling of the Purim story

WEST HARTFORD, Connecticut – The Mandell Jewish Community Center presents a global collaboration of traditions coming together for a “Purim Spectacular” on Saturday, March 12, 8 p.m., and Sunday, March 13, featuring the renowned University of Connecticut Puppet Arts Program and Gamelan Son of Lion in a performance of the shadow puppet musical “Wayang Esther: A Contemporary Retelling of the Book of Esther.” 

Commissioned by the JCC, “Wayang Esther” features newly-created puppets designed by 8th-generation Indonesian puppet master Ki Joke Susilo of New Zealand. The puppets are based on an illuminated scroll of the Book of Esther that was made in Venice, Italy (circa 1740) and is now in the collection of Hebrew Union College (New York City).

Principal puppeteer, UConn Professor Matthew Isaac Cohen, head of the UConn Puppet Arts program, has been awarded royal titles from three of Indonesia’s royal courts for his contribution to the arts of Indonesian puppet theater. “Wayang Esther” is performed at the JCC under his leadership and that of Gamelan Son of Lion, a New York-based composers’ collective, performing with instruments inspired by the gamelan orchestra of Java, Indonesia. The performance combines shadow puppetry in the style of Indonesian “wayang kulit,” with contemporary shadow projections mixed live and projected on stage.

“Wayang Esther” will be performed at the Mandell JCC, 335 Bloomfield Ave. on March 12 at 8 p.m. for adults and older children, and will be followed by a special talkback session with the creative team. 

The March 13 presentation is for families with children of all ages, who are encouraged to attend in costume to participate in Mordechai’s Parade. The performance is at 2; families are invited to attend a pre-performance workshop at 1 p.m. in which they will learn a Purim-language song arranged from gamelan.

The shadow puppets are currently on display in the Chase Family Gallery at the Mandell JCC.

Ticket: $20/adults; FREE/children, available at mandelljcc.org/tix. 

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