Bulletin Board Southern New England News

What’s Happening

A calendar of events throughout Connecticut and Western & Central Massachusetts. 

Local Jewish community organizations are invited to submit events to the calendar. Events must be received one week prior to the bi-weekly publication of the Ledger. Send submissions to Ledger editor in cheif  Judie Jacobson at judiej@jewishledger.com. We reserve the right to edit calendar items.


West Hartford, CT – “Vilde Chayes/Wild Things: A Scholarly Symposium on the Art of Maurice Sendak,” 11 a.m.  A symposium exploring a small selection of books by groundbreaking children’s book author Maurice Sendak, from the 1963 Where the Wild Things Are to books such as Zlateh the Goat and Brundibar. Selected not only for their significance to Sendak’s career, these titles carry multiple visually layered references to Sendak’s personal history, including his Polish-Jewish roots, his childhood in Brooklyn, and the loss of family in the Holocaust. Panel discussion with Profs. Marah Gubar (MIT), Martha Helfer (Rutgers), and Golan Moskowitz (Tulane). Presented by the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford. 


West Hartford, CT (Zoom) – “Playing Dead: A Memoir of Terror and Survival,” 7 p.m., with author Monique Faison Ross, who shares her story of resilience, bravery and grit i. Moderated by Mary Jane Foster, CEO and president of Interval House, Monique recounts her marriage to her high school sweetheart that turned horrifically abusive. 7 p.m. Faison Ross not only survived, but also moved forward on a path to recovery and helping others with her story. To register: www.mandelljcc.org/tix. FREE 


West Hartford, CT (Zoom) “The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: Out of Tragedy Comes Social Justice,” 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. In 1911, a fire broke out in Manhattan’s Garment District. Thirty minutes later, 146 workers were dead – many of them young Jewish immigrant women. This horrific event propelled a powerful coalition of New Yorkers to enact factory safety legislation that would become a model for the nation. Hosted by Congregation Beth Israel, Professor Pamela Nadell, the chair in Women’s and Gender History at American University, will lead a discussion of this tragic and important event. To register and for info: hrosenbaum@cict.org, cbict.org. FREE/donations appreciated.


Springfield, MA –  “A Taste of the Lower East Side,” a Temple Beth El program sharing a taste of the Jewish world through food and film; 6-7:30 p.m.; Register: communications@tbespringfield.org.

South Windsor, CT – “Pink Shabbat…on Ice!” Teens in grade 8-12 are invited to join JTConnect for Pink Shabbat on ice! 7-9 p.m. (You don’t need to be a skater to attend.) Learn about the incredible work of Sharsheret as we raise awareness about breast cancer at the South Windsor Arena-Hockey 1, 585 John Fitch Boulevard, South Windsor. JTConnect teens will lead Havdalah. Proceeds will be donated to Sharsheret. For information, email cara@jtconnect.org.


Longmeadow, MA –  Purim Katan Movie Afternoon/Ice Cream Party and Emtza Food Drive Launch, 4-7 p.m., at B’nai Torah, 2 Eunice Drive, Contact Andrea Olkin: SpringfieldNCSY@gmail.com, or (413) 519-5328; Fee: $5 per person, $10 max/2+ siblings.

West Hartford, CT (Zoom) – “Shared Society in Israel: The Journey fro Ethiopia to Afula-Gilboa,” 11 a.m. Explore Jewish community life in Ethiopia, the Ethiopian journey to Israel, and life at the Jewish Agency’s Beit Alfa absorption center in Afula-Gilboa. Meet members of the local Ethiopian-Israeli community and hear their firsthand perspectives on successes and challenges in their lives.Presented by the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford’s Jewish Community Relations Council. The Jewish Agency for Israel and Parnership2Gether Global Network. Advance registration required: jewishhartford.org.


Stamford, CT (Zoom) – A Night of Cooking with Paula Sloyer, author of The Instant Pot Kosher Cookbook”; 8 p.m.; presented by UJF Stamford and the Jewish Book Council. Register at ujf.org/cooking. FREE/donations welcome

Storrs, CT (Zoom) – “Banning Art Spiegelman’s Maus: The Politics of Holocaust Memory and Education in 2022”  A panel discussion featuring: Prof. Susan Herbst, Political Science President Emeritus (UConn); Prof. Cora Lynn Deibler, Art and Art History (UConn); Prof. Daniel H. Magilow, German Studies/Holocaust Studies (Univ. of Tennessee); moderated by Prof. Avinoam Patt, Center for Judaic Studies (UConn); 7 p.m.; hosted by Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life at the University of Connecticut.


West Hartford, CT –  West Hartford author Judy Bolton-Fasman will discuss her new memoir, Asylum, named for the family’s Asylum Avenue home. 7:30 p.m. Hosted by Jewish Historical of Greater Hartford. RSVP https://jhsgh.org/february-17-2022-730-pm-author-event/  See story page 24.

Orange, CT (Zoom) – Florence Adler Swims Forever by Rachel Beanland is the first book to be discussed by Congregation Or Shalom’s new book group which meets at 7 p.m.; Set in Atlantic City in 1934, tells the story of Esther and Joseph Adler and their daughters, Florence and Fannie, whorent their house out to summer vacationers escaping to “America’s Playground” and move into the small apartment above their bakery. When tragedy strikes, Esther makes the shocking decision to hide the truth –and pulls the family into an elaborate web of secret-keeping and lies, bringing long-buried tensions to the surface that reveal how quickly the act.  For information: (203) 799-2341 or coshalom@sbcglobal.net.

Springfield, MA (Zoom) – Temple Beth El Film: Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, 7-9 p.m., Zoom. Register: communications@tbespringfield.org.

Stamford,  CT – “Fun by the Fire!” For Jewish singles 50. Hosted by United Jewish Federation of Stamford, New Canaan, Darien’s BEN (Boomer Engagement Network); 7:30 p.m. S’mores, hot drinks and schmoozing; entertainment by Sid Nachman. RSVP: ujf.org/fire. $18


Sherman, CT – “Voices of Our TImes” featuring Nick Arne, John John own, Bill Butter and Bernie Kaplan playing blues, folk, pop and rock; 7 p.m.; presented by the JCC in Sherman, 9 Rte 39 South. Reservations a much: jccinsherman.org, info@jccinsherman.org, (860) 355-8050. $20/members, $25/non-members.


Northampton, MA – LGA “Fiber Art for Passover: Learn to Wet Felt,” Zoom program from 10 – 11:30 a.m., Create spring blooms out of soft wool for the Passover table with fiber artist Natasha Lehrer Lewis; for 3-6-year-olds and their grownups; Registration fee of $12 includes one kit from Esther’s Place which will be available for pickup. Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fiber-art-for-passover-with-lander-grinspoon-academy-learn-to-wet-felt-tickets.


New Haven, CT (Zoom) – Book Schmooze with Jennifer Anne Moses, author of  a collection of short stories entitled The Man Who Loved His Wife. Hosted by Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel at 7:30 p.m.. This book, says Moses, “is the result of my deep dive into Yiddish literature and my love of the Hebrew language.” Moses is also the author of six other books and dozens of essays and articles; she currently writes a blog for The Times of Israel. For the Zoom link: office@BEKI.org, (203) 389-2108 x114.


Worcester, MA – LEAD/YAD program with Shaliach Aviv Jerbi, 2 p.m.


Stamford, CT (Zoom) – “Be A Mensch: Unleash Your Power of Be Kind and Help Others with author Elisa Udaskin,” 7 p.m. Hosted by United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford and JCRC. To register: ujf.org/caringsoul. For information: slewis@ujf.org., (203) 321-1373 x104.


Western CT (Zoom) – Author Talks Series presents Lucy Adlington, author of The Dressmakers of Auschwitz: The True Story of the Women Who Sewed to Survive, a 50-minute presentation with a virtual show of original garments and a archive material from that era. Presented by the Jewish Federation of Western CT. $#36/includes the book hipped directly to you ($18/without the book) Information and tickets: jfed.net.


Springfield, MA –  “Literatour,” the Springfield JCC book festival, presents a talk and Q&A with Jan Eliasberg, author of Hannah’s War, at Springfield JCC, 1160 Dickinson St.; 7-8 p.m., To register: https://springfieldjcc.wufoo.com/forms/rtncm991b2631i/; FREE/JCC members; $10/general public.

Monday, MARCH 21

Stamford, CT (venue and time TBD) – “Cultivating A Caring Soul,” three authors share how we can create a better world by caring for each other. Hosted by United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford and JCRC. Third session: “The Kindness Advantage: Cultivating Compassionate and Connected Children,” with authors Dale Atkins and Amanda Salzhauer. See also Feb. 28.  To register: ujf.org/caringsoul. For information: slewis@ujf.org., (203) 321-1373 x104.

Let My Preschoolers Go!
Hartford Yard Goats owner Josh Solomon to receive JNF Tree of Life Award
Orange day schoolers win top awards at statewide science fair

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