A calendar of events throughout Connecticut and Western & Central Massachusetts.
Local Jewish community organizations are invited to submit events to the calendar. Events must be received one week prior to the bi-weekly publication of the Ledger. Send submissions to Ledger editor in cheif Judie Jacobson at judiej@jewishledger.com. We reserve the right to edit calendar items.
Greenwich, CT. — “Men’s Paddle & Beer Night” hosted by UJA-JCC Greenwich at the Fire Pit at the new Innis Arden Paddle Hut in Greenwich. Proceeds will help fund the presence of the community’s new security adviser. For more information or to register: ujajcc.org. $350
CT & MA (Zoom) — “Virtually Limitless: Our Shared Shelf,” a monthly book and author series at 8 p.m.hosted by the Jewish Book Council and Federation National Women’s Philanthropy, will present a conversation with Michele Levy, author of Anna’s Dance: A Balkan Odyssey, a coming-of-age novel that follows a Jewish American young woman on a journey through the Balkans in 1968. Tune in even if you haven’t read the book. Register at: https://form.jotform.com/202654095372052.
Stamford, CT. — An educational experience that explores the framing of the past and present through the viewing of highlights from the documentary “Final Account” and a panel discussion with Holocaust survivors and children of Holocaust survivors about complicity, propaganda and responsibility as reflected in the film will follow the screening. The discussion will be moderated by Mike Markovits; panelists include Judith Altman, Marily Altman, Ilan Fogel and Agnes Vertes. The evening is presented by the Jewish Historical Society of Fairfield County with the Ferguson Library, UJF Stamford, New Canaan and Darien.
Sherman, CT. — The silent film “The City Without Jews” will be screened at 7 p.m., at the JCC in Sherman, 9 Rte 39 South. The silent film will be accompanied by live music featuring world-renowned musicians Alicia Svigals and Donald Sosin. The film, based on the satirical novel by Hugo Bettauer, tells the story of Jews in Vienna who are hounded by mobs and driven from their homes. Produced in 1924, it was rediscovered in 2015. It is a chilling premonition of the Holocaust and cost Bettauer his life. Presented with commentary by film scholar Noah Isenberg (UT Austin) and a recently restored soundtrack, it is one of few surviving Austrian Expressionist films. Reservations required. Email jccinsherman.org. $20/members; $25/nonmembers. (Masks required)
Statewide (Zoom) —12th Annual International Holocaust Remembrance Day event, hosted by Voices of Hope and JFACT; The program includes: the presentation of the 2022 Chesed Award to Andy Sarkany, which is bestowed on individuals who demonstrate exemplary “acts of loving kindness”; presentation of The Simon Konover Recognition for Excellence in Holocaust Education to educators: Kimberly Ballaro, Ian Lowell, Jessica Palliardi and Lauren Thompson. This year, the Classical Magnet and the three Fairfield Middle Schools will be honored with the first HERO Center Award for Schoolwide Excellence in Teaching Holocaust and other Genocides; 7 p.m. For more information and to register: ctvoicesofhope.org, (860) 470-5591, info@ctvoicesofhope.org. Reservations required. FREE
Boston, MA (Zoom) — “Learning from Lessons of Hate: The Opportunity for Holocaust/Genocide Education in Our Schools Now,” a virtual educational program designed to heighten awareness about the need to advocate for robust Holocaust and genocide education in public schools, presented by Hadassah Northeast, in association with 13 synagogues and other community partners across Greater Boston. Featured guests: Holocaust survivor and Jewish educator Henny Lewin; Hopkinton High School educator Steven Spiegel who will share his success engaging and educating students about the Holocaust and other genocides based on a curriculum developed by “Facing History and Ourselves.” To register: https://events.hadassah.org/holocausteducation. FREE
Glastonbury, CT (Zoom)— “Kids in the Kitchen,” a 3-part kosher cooking class for kids ages 5-12, led by Chabad East of the River. Sundays, 3-4 p.m.: Jan. 30, matzah ball soup; Feb. 6, cookie rugelach; Feb. 13, cheesy noodle kugel. Register at chabader.com/kidscooking. $10/per session; $25/full series (includes ingredients box.)
Springfield, MA (Zoom) – A Q&A with Elana Zaiman, author of The Forever Letter: Writing What We Believe for Those We Love, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 pm. Inspired by the medieval tradition of the ethical will, Rabbi Zaiman will discuss forever letters, what they are, why we write them, and how they can be powerful tools to connect us with the people we love. In forever letters, we can share our wisdom and guidance, ask for and offer forgiveness, express our gratitude, support and love. Through inspirational stories, sample letters and writing guidance, The Forever Letter serves as a companion on a transformational journey of self-discovery and deepening relationships. The first 25 registrants will receive a free copy of Zaiman’s book The Forever Letter. To register: https://www.jfswm.org/educational- presentations/ or (413) 737.2601.
West Hartford, CT — “Jews in the American Theater: A Legacy Like No Other,” presented by Congregation Beth Israel, 8-10 p.m. How did Jews come to play such a vital role in every aspect of the American theater, reshaping it over the last 150 years? Entertainment historian John Kenrick uses fascinating behind the scenes stories and rare photos and performance videos to celebrate the role Jews have played on Broadway and beyond. Information/registration: Rabbi Howard Rosenbaum, hrosenaum2cbict.org., cbict.org.
Springfield, CT (Zoom) — “Literatour,” the Springfield JCC book festival presents a talk and Q&A with Andrew Feiler, author of A Better Life for Their Children; 7-8 p.m. To register: springfieldjcc.wufoo.com/forms/rtncm991b2631i/
Worchester, MA/Florida– The Annual Worcester Florida Party at the Delray Beach Golf Club; a chance to visit old friends from Worcester to reconnect; 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Register: worchesterfloridaparty.myevent.com.
Storrs, CT — “A Winter (Jewish) Experience” for adults ages 21 to 39; 7-9 p.m., co-hosted by Urban Dor and UConn Hillel, at UConn Hillel, 54 N Eagleville Rd, Storrs. Optional spiritual prayer service at 6 p.m. Dinner at 7 p.m. followed by socializing and/or playing pool and ping pong. Guests may join in at any point during the course of the evening. Must be vaccinated to attend. Dress is business casual. Reservations: https://www.urbandor.org/event-details/a-winter-jewish-experience. FREE
New Haven, CT — Conversation with Artist Bruce Oren, a painter, photographer, draughtsman and designer, but primarily a stone sculptor working in marble, limestone, granite and soapstone. Oren will talk about his current exhibition,“Entropy Warriors,” at 12:30 p.m., at Congregation Beth El – Keser Israel (BEKI), 85 Harrison St. Sabbath rules will be observed. Guests are asked to wear KN-95 or better masks. Snow date:Feb. 12. The exhibit is on display at BEKI until Feb. 26. To arrange a gallery visit, call (203) 389-2108.
Sherman, CT. —“The Hooligans” live and in concert playing their special brand of classic rock, rockabilly, country, with special guests, at JCC in Sherman, 9 Rte. 39 South, at 7 p.m. Tickets: $20;JCC member; $25/non-member. Held indoors, masks required regardless of vaccination status. Reservations required: (860) 355-8050.
Woodbridge, CT— The B’nai Jacob Players (BJP) present the hit Broadway musical “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.” The cast and crew were only two weeks away from the play’s April 2019 opening, when COVID hit, leading to the long shutdown. Now, the play is back on schedule. At B’nai Jacob, 75 Rimmon Rd. Information/tickets: barbaragoldstein@bnaijacob.org, (203) 389-2111.
Springfield, MA – “Carol’s Beit Café,” a Temple Beth El event showcasing the musical talents of its members; 7-8:30 p.m., at TBE, 979 Dickinson St. Reservations/information: (413) 733-4149 or office@tbespringfield.org. (snow date: March 26)
Worcester, MA – Chaverim Night Out at the Jewish Film Festival; 7 p.m. Information: mhall@jfcm.org.
Springfield, MA– “A Taste of the Lower East Side,” a Temple Beth El program sharing a taste of the Jewish world through food and film; 6-7:30 p.m.; Register: communications@tbespringfield.org.
Longmeadow, MA– Purim Katan Movie Afternoon/Ice Cream Party and Emtza Food Drive Launch, 4-7 p.m., at B’nai Torah, 2 Eunice Drive, Contact Andrea Olkin: SpringfieldNCSY@gmail.com, or (413) 519-5328; Fee: $5 per person, $10 max/2+ siblings.
Springfield, MA (Zoom)– Temple Beth El Film: Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, 7-9 p.m., Zoom. Register: communications@tbespringfield.org.
Northampton, MA – LGA “Fiber Art for Passover: Learn to Wet Felt,” Zoom program from 10 – 11:30 a.m., Create spring blooms out of soft wool for the Passover table with fiber artist Natasha Lehrer Lewis; for 3-6-year-olds and their grownups; Registration fee of $12 includes one kit from Esther’s Place which will be available for pickup. Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fiber-art-for-passover-with-lander-grinspoon-academy-learn-to-wet-felt-tickets.
New Haven, CT (Zoom)— Book Schmooze with Jennifer Anne Moses, author of a collection of short stories entitled The Man Who Loved His Wife. Hosted by Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel at 7:30 p.m.. This book, says Moses, “is the result of my deep dive into Yiddish literature and my love of the Hebrew language.” Moses is also the author of six other books and dozens of essays and articles; she currently writes a blog for The Times of Israel. For the Zoom link: office@BEKI.org, (203) 389-2108 x114.
Worcester, MA– LEAD/YAD program with Shaliach Aviv Jerbi, 2 p.m.
Stamford, CT (Zoom) — “Be A Mensch: Unleash Your Power of Be Kind and Help Others with author Elisa Udaskin,” 7 p.m. Hosted by United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford and JCRC. To register: ujf.org/caringsoul. For information: slewis@ujf.org., (203) 321-1373 x104.