Applications for the Joan and Ben Zinbarg–Schoke Jewish Family Service Camp Scholarship Program are now available for summer 2022.
The program was created to assist families from Stamford, Westport, Bridgeport, and Upper Fairfield County to send their children to a Jewish sleep-away or day camp program. Studies show that attendance at Jewish camps helps to strengthen youngsters’ Jewish identities and involvement in Jewish communities, now and into the future.
The Joan and Ben Zinbarg–Schoke Jewish Family Service Camp Scholarship Fund is supported by the Zinbarg Family, the United Jewish Federation of Stamford, New Canaan and Darien, and the Federation for Jewish Philanthropy of Upper Fairfield County. Schoke JFS awarded 50 camp scholarships in 2021.
Applications are available to download at www.ctjfs.org/joan-and-ben-zinbarg-camp-scholarship-program/. Completed applications should be returned to the Schoke Jewish Family Service office, or may be emailed to Maria McNulty at mmcnulty@ctjfs.org, along with the required attachments. Deadline for applications is Friday, April 15.
Scholarships will be awarded through email, so be sure to include your email address. Child must be entering first grade or above in September 2022 to qualify for a scholarship.
For more information, contact Maria McNulty at the Schoke Jewish Family Service office at 203-921-4161 or mmcnulty@ctjfs.org.