US/World News

Saudi writer: War with Israel not an option

(JNS) Saudi writer Abd Al-Aziz Munif bin Razen wrote in the Saudi daily Okaz that negotiations between the Palestinians and Israel should be renewed under the mediation of the Gulf states. According to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) report, Razen argued that a hostile policy towards Israel was ineffective and would not bring a solution to the conflict; it would only serve the interests of Iran. “For this reason, some countries in the Gulf and elsewhere began building bridges of peace with Tel Aviv—not out of submission or obedience, but out of recognition and appreciation of the other, so as to break the psychological barrier and address the Palestinian issue in a more balanced manner,” he wrote, adding, “To resolve the Palestinian issue, there is no need for armed conflicts or deadly wars, nor for rounds of negotiations that [only] lead to an explosion.” He said another war would only further harm a region which has been exacerbated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Main Photo: Credit: Pixabay.

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