Simply Tsfat Chanukah Concert, Dec. 5
Celebrate the last day of Chanukah at a concert hosted by Chabad of the Shoreline, featuring the music of Simply Tsat of Israel. To be held Sunday, Dec. 5, 5 – 6:30 p.m. at the James Blackstone Memorial Library, 758 Main St. in Branford. Hailing from the northern Galilee city of Tsfat, the trio presents a vibrant musical blend of powerful lyrics and soulful tines in the Chassidic mystical tradition. Menorah lighting and refreshments will follow the concert on the library terrace. Admission is FREE, but space is limited. Reservations are a must. For more information, email chabad@snet.net or call (203) 533-7595. For a Zoom link to this live event, email chabad or visit facebookcom/yossiyaffe.
Vodka and Latkes, Nov. 30
Enjoy music, latkes, drinks and time with friends, old and new, at this FREE event for adults 21-plus to be held on Nov. 30 at 7- 9 p.m. Play ping pong and cornhole in an industrial-style room. Huge garage doors will be opened for plenty of fresh air to keep the night covid-safe. RSVP for location and further details. For information: Shalom@UrbanDor.og.
Children’s Chanukah Event, Dec. 1
Beth El-Keser Israel (BEKI) is celebrating Chanukah with PJ Library on Wednesday, Dec. 1. The program starts with a read-aloud at 4 p.m. at Mitchell Library, then continues at 5:15 p.m. across the street at BEKI, 85 Harrison St., for crafts, lighting the menorah, and a singalong, The festivities end at 6:15 pm. RSVP to office@beki.org or (203) 389-2108 x114.
Chanukah Singalong, Dec. 4
Sing Chanukah songs around a campfire in the courtyard of Congregation Beth El – Keser Israel (BEKI), 85 Harrison St., on Saturday, Dec. 4, at 7 p.m. The program will start with havdalah and menorah lighting, followed by an hour of Chanukah songs. Song sheets will be provided. In case of rain, the event will move indoors.
Outdoor Public Menorah Lighting, Dec. 1
The community is invited to an outdoors Menorah lighting ceremony on the front lawn of Norwalk City Hall, facing East Ave., on the 4th night of Chanukah, Dec.1 at 5 p.m. Rabbi Yehoshua S. Hecht of Beth Israel Chabad will be emcee of the event, together with Rabbi Levi Stone. Norwalk Mayor Harry Rilling will be on hand for the lighting. Live music will accompany the ceremony. Pre-packaged Chanukah gelt, cookies and dreidels will be distributed to all. Admission is FREE. For information: (203) 247-6289.
Chanukah Celebration, Dec. 4
Schmooze with friends and enjoy a night of Israeli dancing, latkes and libations (which will be served outside owing to the pandemic, so dress warmly!). Adults ONLY. Hosted by the Jewish Federation of Western CT, 444 Main St North in Southbury. On Saturday, Dec. 4, 7 – 9 p.m. Proof of vaccination and masks required. Tickets: $18. RSVP by Nov. 30 to https://form.jotform.com/213134996280156
‘Chanukah Hop,’ through Dec. 4
The Emerging Leadership Division of the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford is hosting a series of special events for Chanukah that will include the lighting of the menorah. All events are free and take place in West Hartford. Masks are required indoors. So-sponsors by Dignity Grows, Spiritual Life Center, Hillel U of Hartford, and Momentum.
For reservations: email Rebecca Lenkiewicz at flenkiewicz@jewishhartford.org. Here’s what Chanukah Hoppers have will enjoy:
Wednesday, Dec. 1 at 7 p.m. — Share career experiences with UHart Hillel at the Mandell JCC, 335 Bloomfield Ave.
Saturday, Dec. 4 at 5:45 p.m. — Family Chanukah Celebration. Address provided upon registration.
Teen Chanukah Celebration, Dec. 4
A night of celebration for teens at Beth El Temple, Dec. 4 at 7:30 – 9 p.m. Co-hosted by JTConnect BBYO, USY, NCSY, JSU and NUTSY. Enjoy menorah lighting, laser tag, music, photo booth, sufganiyot, door prizes, raffles, games and more. Open to all teens. For information, contact Cara at cara@jtconnect.org.
The music of Mozart, Vivaldi…and Chanukah, Dec. 5
A concert with Cantor Joseph Ness and Cantor Stephanie Kupfer on Sunday, Dec. 5, 7 p.m.. Tickets: $25/ seniors (65+) and students; $2/FREE for children 12 & under. For tickets, visit: tinyurl.com/BacktotheMusic. Tickets also available at the door. Virtual tickets also available. At Beth El Temple, 626 Albany Ave. in West Hartford. Free parking, Handicap access.