Connecticut’s Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs honored eight men from around the state at its Keeper of the Flame event on Sunday, March 21. The event recognizes men who have made a difference in their men’s club, congregation or community.
This year’s honorees are:
Avram Freedberg – Agudath Shalom – Stamford
George Alexander – Temple Beth Sholom, Hamden
Steve Rabb – Beth El Temple, West Hartford
Steve Cohen – Beth Sholom B’nai Israel, Manchester
Mel Simon – The Emanuel Synagogue, West Hartford
Marshall Soltz – The Emanuel Synagogue, West Hartford
Bob Spaulding – Congregation Or Shalom, Orange
Jon Moss – Temple Sinai, Newington

Steven Sosensky, president of the FJMC Connecticut Valley Region, said, “These Keeper awardees stood out for their organizational, innovative, and physical efforts to sustain their congregations, clubs and communities. Many of their efforts allowed members and congregants the ability to maintain their connection to their synagogues during this pandemic. Their clubs and their synagogues are stronger, and they are examples of commitment and the adaptability of Jews and the Jewish tradition.“
Congregations of all Jewish denominations were welcome to nominate a member. A special emphasis this year was put on individuals who kept its congregation or men’s club active during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC) is a partnership of more than 200 affiliated clubs with more than 20,000 members across North America and around the world, that aims to involve Jewish men in Jewish life. The Connecticut Valley Region comprises congregations in Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.