Southern New England News


This year, Purim begins on Thursday evening, Feb. 25, and ends the evening of Feb. 26. Looking for some Purim fun? Check out one of the following events, all held virtually…and all guaranteed to get you in the Purim spirit. For a reading of Megilat Esther (virtual or otherwise), contact your local synagogue. 


Purim Glow Party!
Purim Glow Party, a drive-in family celebration featuring LED and fire show, outdoor Megillah reading will be held on Feb. 25 at 160 Mohegan Drive in West Hartford. Hosted by Chabad of Greater Hartford, party will be COVID-safe and each carload of participants will receive a Purim Kit that includes a Purim guide, hamantaschen, mishloach Manot to give to a friend. Com addressed your favorite costume and receive a prize. The event is free. To register:, (860) 232-1116.

The Megillah In Yiddish 
The Museum and the National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene will host a virtual Purim celebration on Feb. 25 at 7 p.m., featuring a lively reading of the Meglies Ester (Book of Esther) in Yiddish (with English subtitles), as translated by the great poet Yehoash, followed by a festive musical performance. The program will also include a presentation of historic artifacts from the Museum’s collection illustrating Purim and its role in 20th century European Jewish communities.For more information, visit:


Purim Story Slam
Congregation Shir Ami will host a Purim Story Slam on Feb. 26 at 7:30 p.m.

A Story Slam is a live story-telling event where individuals share a personal story (about 3-5 minutes long) in the form of a story, a poem or a song; it can be funny, inspiring or dramatic. (If you have never heard a story slam before, listen to The Moth on NPR to get the idea). The Purim Story Slam theme is inspired by the way Mordechai and Queen Esther found a way to foil Haman’s nefarious plan to harm the Jews. If you can recall a time when you felt stuck but you found a way to get out of it, or if you have a personal story that speaks about confronting adversity? If so, contact Cantor Abramson at with a brief description of your idea.


 YI Love Yiddishfest – Purim Edition!
The Yiddishkayt Initiative (“YI Love Jewish”) will serve up its first International VIRTUAL YI Love Yiddishfest – Purim Edition, Feb. 25-28. The event is being simultaneously streamed on the website, Facebook Live and YouTube Live.

Virtual visitors of all ages will hear the story of Purim as they enjoy a wide range of FREE performances, concerts, readings and interviews, featuring major American and International entertainers.

“We’re not able to spread the joy and traditions of Purim and Yiddishkayt in person, so we’re creating an online experience that will give everyone around the world a much-needed escape from the realities of the moment, for four days of frolic, festivity and frothy fun,” says Avi Hoffman, founder and CEO of YI Love Jewish. 

The Yiddishkayt Initiative is a non-profit organization that celebrates and promotes Jewish history, life, and culture, and their positive and far-reaching impact on the world. From performing arts, publishing, and education to language, philosophy and literature, YI offers a global clearinghouse of Jewish culture and entertainment staffed by experts in subject matter and production. The organization works with a wide range of organizations, including Federations, JCCs, synagogues, Hadassah chapters, Hillel chapters, youth groups, summer camp programs, and educational institutions, and more.

For more information, visit, email or call (888) 945-6835).

Here are some of the highlights of YI Love Yiddishfest-Purim Edition: 

Bright Lights… Big Shushan: A Musical Megillah featuring Cantor Shira Ginsburg in Concert with Fantel Music in association with East End Temple – Feb. 25, 8 p.m. 

Shmoozing with Avi featuring Phillip Namanworth the Boogie Woogie Mystic – Feb. 25, 10 p.m. 

“Songs from the Heart,” a concern featuring singing sensation Aelita – February 26, 4 p.m. 

Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Classic Gimpel Tam (Gimpel the Fool) starring Dori Engel in association with Israel’s beloved Nephesh Theatre – Feb. 26, 8 p.m. 

PurimShpiel Concert with the Chorney-Ghergus Duo – Feb. 27, 2 p.m. 

KhapLop’: Children’s Stories in Yiddish – Dr. Seuss and More, featuring Avi Hoffman – Feb. 28, 12 p.m. 

The Megillah Cycle of Itzik Manger featuring Mike Burstein and an international celebrity cast- February 28, 2 p.m.

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