Jewish Life

Congregation Beth Israel fall events

Events listed are virtual and hosted by Congregation Beth Israel unless otherwise noted. For details on viewing via Zoom , visit

Introduction to Judaism
Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m. starting Oct. 14
The course curriculum includes basic Hebrew, Jewish history, liturgy, holidays and life cycle events, as well as the Jewish  perspective on spirituality, values and community. Taught by reform rabbis of Greater Hartford. For more information, contact Wendy Berg at, (860) 233-8215.

Red Cross Blood Drive
Sunday, Oct. 18
To be held at Congregation Beth Israel, 701 Farmington Avenue in West Hartford. Donors will be screened outside before they enter. Donor tables will be spaced at least 10 feet apart. Sign up at

Kreplach & Dim Sum–Yes, There are Jews in China
Sunday, Oct. 18, 5 p.m.
Vocalist-storyteller Robyn Helzner will perform and share her remarkable and uplifting story about serving as cantor for the United Jewish Congregation of Hong Kong. 

Torah Portion – Vayera
Torah Portion – Korach

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