Southern New England News

UCONN Center for Judaic Studies & Contemporary Jewish Life

For more information on these virtual presentations, visit 

September 10 @ 7:30.p.m.
Derek Penslar, the William Lee Frost Professor of Jewish History at Harvard University
What Makes a Great Jewish Leader?  Theodor Herzl and the Origins of Zionism
Cosponsored by the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Hartford.

September 14 @ 7 p.m.
Anna Shternshis and Psoy Korolenko, Yiddish Glory: The Lost Songs of World War II
Yiddish Glory tells the remarkable story of folklorists in the Soviet Union who risked their lives collecting songs from Jewish Red Army soldiers, Jewish refugees, victims and survivors of Ukrainian ghettos, as told by a band of virtuoso musicians.

Sponsored by the Jewish Hartford European Roots project and the virtual festival of Yiddish culture

September 30 @ 7.p.m.
Understanding and Teaching the Holocaust: Virtual Book Launch
Cosponsored by the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Hartford. Part one of the 2020 Virtual Holocaust Educators Workshop (HEW)

KOLOT – A former Wesleyan professor wonders: What happened to a liberal education?
WHAT’S HAPPENING – April 13 – May 23
Cantor Gideon Zelermyer to perform at Jewish Historical Society gala

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