Southern New England News

Hartford’s Synagogue Softball League plays ball!

Great news! The Greater Hartford Synagogue Softball League has resumed play after a brief Covad-19 induced spring hiatus. The co-ed slow pitch league, composed of players from synagogues located throughout the Greater Hartford region, is now in its 27th season of play. The league has gone to a pick-up format for the time-being with games played Sunday mornings at the CIGNA fields in Bloomfield. According to League Commissioner Aaa Cetel, the safety of player is of primary concern, and so social distancing on and off the field is strongly encouraged.  Play will continue into mid September, and it isn’t too late for those wanting to participate to get in on the action on the field. For more info, contact Alan Cetel at

PHOTO: softball 1

CAP: The Synagogue Softball League observes social distancing!

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