Jewish Life

“Embracing Tisha B’Av: A Day of Learning and Reflection, July 30

The United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien and the Stamford Board of Rabbis present an afternoon of learning opportunities entitled “Embracing Tisha B’Av” on Thursday, July 30. To register, visit

12 p.m. – “Turning Sadness into Song: How Jews Respond to Catastrophe.”
Speaker: Rabbi Joshua Hammerman, Temple Beth El, Stamford (a talk based on his newly-released book.)

1 p.m. – Speaker: Michal Fox Smart, chief program officer, Institute for Jewish Spirituality. (Title of talk to be announced.)

2 p.m. – “Keeping the Faith: Tragedy and Transformation.” 
Speaker: Rabbi Daniel Cohen, Congregation Agudath Sholom, Stamford.

3 p.m. – “How Can This Be?! The emotional layers of the word Eichah.”
Speaker: Rabbi Jay TelRav, Temple Sinai, Stamford.

4 p.m. –  “Tisha B’Av: A Moment of Remembrance and Reflection”
Speaker: Jonathan Fass, COO Schoke Jewish Family Service.

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Torah Portion — Eikev
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