The ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute, originally scheduled to take place August 9-12 at Pembroke College, Oxford, has been reschedules and will now take place online Au-gust 9-13. Due to COVID-19, and the international lockdown, which includes Oxford University, it will now take place online!
The Institute is now seeking scholars-in-residence for this intensive one week work-shop-based curriculum development program in interdisciplinary critical contemporary antisemitism studies. The program, which is dedicated to the development of antisemitism studies as a recognized academic discipline, is intended primarily for professors with full-time college or university positions, though exceptional faculty, doctoral and post-doctoral students will be considered. Under the guidance of leading international academics, scholars-in-residence will be required to develop a course syllabus and curriculum in the interdisciplinary study of critical contemporary antisemitism. The syllabus and curriculum will be taught at the scholar-in-residence’s home university for course credit, on at least two occasions, upon completion of the program.
ISGAP also has limited space for university students with strong grades, proven leadership skills and commitment. Successful applicants will qualify as Elie Wiesel-Martin Luther King Jr. Scholars, who will work on a student led projects to help combat antisemitism and racism on campus.
Applicants will be liable for tuition fees. Full and partial fellowships will be rewarded. Limited enrollment available
For more information, visit isgap.org.