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Billy Crystal to join Jewish organizations in raising a glass to first responders

By Ron Kampeas

(JTA) — If you turn up for this Zoom cocktail event, you better look mahvelous.

Billy Crystal will be hosting as the Secure Community Network, the security advisory body to U.S. Jewish community, raises a glass on Wednesday evening, May 20, to the first responders who have been on the front lines during the coronavirus pandemic.

Crystal, the comic who starred in movies such as “When Harry Met Sally,” in the 1980s coined the phrase “You look mahvelous” as Fernando, an oleaginous nightlife host on “Saturday Night Live.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray and the chiefs of the Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles police departments will be among the top law enforcement officers joining Crystal in an event dubbed “Virtual L’Chaim.”

“Medical professionals, law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs and so many others are devoting their lives to ensure our communities are as safe as possible,” Michael Masters, the director of SCN, said in a statement announcing the 20-minute Zoom event, which is scheduled to start at 8 p.m. and will also be seen on Facebook.

SCN is formally affiliated with the Jewish Federations of North America and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

Main Photo: Billy Crystal, seen in 2015, will host the Secure Community Network’s Zoom gig offering a pat on the back to first responders. (Rick Kern/Getty Images for Samsung)

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