Bulletin Board

UConn Judaic studies center partners with shuls to present community lectures

Beginning this week, and running through June, members of the Judaic Studies faculty of several academic institutions will present weekly lectures for local synagogues organizing online programs. The community is invited to join any of the lectures which are accessible on Zoom using the call-in number below. For information, contact Rabbi Howard Rosenbaum at hrosenbaum@cbict.org or (860) 920-5686.

Meeting ID: 934 142 286
Password: lectures

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Meeting ID: 934 142 286

Lecture Schedule
All lectures begin at 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, April 22
Dr. Avinoam Patt, Doris and Simon Konover Chair of Judaic Studies and Director, Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life, UConn.
“Yom HaShoah Veha Gevurah: On Jewish Heroism, Martyrdom, and Sacrifice.”

Wednesday, April 29
Dr. Jeremy Pressman, UConn Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of Middle East Studies.
“Camp David, 40+ Years Later: Strategy, Peace, Autonomy.”

Monday, May 4
Dr. Joshua Lambert, Academic Director, Yiddish Book Center and Visiting Assistant Professor of English at UMass.
“Sholem Aleichem’s Motl the Cantor’s Son and How We Think Immigrants.”

Thursday, May 14
Dr. Ron Kiener, Professor of Religious Studies, Trinity College. 
“Jewish Imagination in a Time of Pandemic: Apocalypse, Messianism and Lament.”

Wednesday, May 20
Dr. Deena Grant, Associate Professor of Jewish Studies, Hartford Seminary.
“Divine Love and Punishment in Deuteronomy and Beyond.”

Tuesday, May 26
Dr. Sarah Willen, Associate Professor Anthropology, UConn.
“Love the Stranger: Migrant Workers, Asylum Seekers, and Israeli Activists in Tel Aviv.”

Tuesday, June 2
Dr. Sara Johnson, Associate Professor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, UConn.
“Not Lost in Translation: The Greek Bible from Aristeas to the Rabbis.”

Monday, June 8
Dr. Sam Kassow, Charles H. Northam Professor of History, Trinity College.
“David Ben Gurion and the Making of the Jewish State.”

Thursday, June 18
Dr. Stuart Miller, Professor of Hebrew, History, and Judaic Studies and Academic Director, Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life, UConn.
“Separating out the Facts: The Origins of Christianity and the History of Judaism.”

Applications for program to educate teens about Israel due Oct. 25
Saluting the soldiers of the IDF, Sept. 13

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