US/World News

Oxfam removes Protocols of the Elders of Zion from online store

(JTA) – Oxfam, a charitable organization founded in the United Kingdom and head-quartered in Nairobi, has apologized for raising funds by selling copies of the antisemitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fabricated antisemitic text describing a Jewish plan for global domination. It was first published in Russia in 1903. The organization removed the fiction from its online shop when it became aware of their sale. Copies for sale included a 1936 edition for about $100, as well as 2002 editions selling for about $13. Volunteers price, photograph and place online products for Oxfam’s online shop, the Jewish Chronicle reported.

The chief executive of Oxfam GB, Danny Sriskandarajah apologized to Israel’s am-bassador to the United Kingdom, Mark Regev, after Regev tweeted “Why is Oxfam selling anti-Semitic literature?”

“The books were destroyed & we are looking to learn lessons. This should not have happened,” Sriskandarajah tweeted. “We are sorry that it did and for the offense caused.” Regev later tweeted that he appreciated the call and the apology.

On Tuesday, the NGO closed its physical charity shops due to the coronavirus crisis.

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