Bulletin Board

New Haven literacy program to host info session for volunteers, Sept. 24

NEW HAVEN – Jewish Coalition for Literacy (JCL) reading partners foster relationships with students in New Haven public schools and assist them on the pass to success through one-on-one reading-based learning and discussion.

The Christopher Columbus Family Academy (CCFA) – a pre-K through eighth grade school in the Fair Haven neighborhood of New Haven, which utilizes a dual language curriculum – is one such school where JCL volunteers meet once a week with students for further learning opportunities. Roy Araujo, the school’s principal, says JCL partners facilitate learning as part of an enrichment program for about 40 students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Each student shares topics and areas of interest to their JCL reading partner, who then selects books to read and discuss. The pair also have the opportunity to become engaged in more hands-on learning by playing musical instruments or sharing photos and PowerPoint presentations of recent travel experiences.

There are currently 170 JCL reading partners working with students in schools throughout New Haven. More are needed. JCL will host an orientation and information session for volunteers on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 9:30 a.m. at the JCC of Greater New Haven, 360 Amity Road in Woodbridge. New and returning reading partners are encouraged to attend. Keynote speaker is CCFA’s Roy Araujo, who will share the influence and impact the JCL presence has made in the school he heads.

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