Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan delivered a four-hour keynote address at the 2019 Saviours’ Day Convention in Chicago that was streamed live on the Internet on Feb. 17, 2019.
(February 19, 2019 / MEMRI) Louis Farrakhan, the head of the Nation of Islam, delivered a four-hour keynote address at the 2019 Saviours’ Day Convention in Chicago that was streamed live on the Internet on Feb. 17. He said that certain people who call themselves Jews to hide their true identity are the “synagogue of Satan.”
He claimed that Jews don’t let blacks use the term “holocaust” to describe the slave trade and he criticized Jews for believing that “the suffering of six million Jews is worth 7 billion human beings.” He explained that Moses taught the Jews “tricknology,” that the Jewish scholars came up with the Talmud, and that “Talmudic Jews” are culprits who see themselves as gods.
He claimed that sharecropping and the enslavement of blacks are justified by the Talmud, and that the Jews have exploited the American people through predatory lending practices because the Talmud permits Jews to cheat non-Jews.
In addition, Farrakhan said that the Federal Reserve is a “family of rich Jewish people,” and that things such as pedophilia, sexual perversion, rape culture, casting couches, gay marriage, abortion, sex trafficking, prostitution, anal sex and certain sexual practices that he said are common in Hollywood can all be traced to the Satanic influence of the Talmudic Jews.
He added: “The Talmud [and its] influence on the Supreme Court in the laws of this land must ultimately be challenged.”
The Saviours’ Day is a Nation of Islam event that commemorates the birth of Wallace Fard Muhammad, the founder of the Nation of Islam.