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CT crime prevention organization led by West Hartford woman receives Justice Department award

WEST HARTFORD – The Justice Education Center, Inc., a Connecticut crime prevention organization led by West Hartford resident Sherry Haller, is the recipient of one of 16 awards presented by the 2018 Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), it was announced by Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker and U.S. Attorney John H. Durham. Haller received the award on behalf of her organization at PSN’s National Conference held recently in Kansas City, Missouri.

Based in West Hartford, the Justice Education Center, Inc. received the PSN award for Innovative Prevention/Reentry Strategy, given to those who have made an impact to reduce offenses, prevent crime by mitigating risk, and prevent recidivism on the part of those reintegrating into society. Specifically noted during the ceremony, the Justice Education Center and the Connecticut U.S. Attorney’s Office developed the Career Pathways Technology Collaborative, a program designed to provide skilled vocational, credentialed training to at-risk youth, 16 to 24 years of age.

“For more than a decade, the Justice Education Center and U.S. Attorney’s Office have collaborated closely on initiatives to reduce violent crime and curb juvenile crime,” said U.S. Attorney Durham in presenting Haller with the award. “I congratulate the Justice Education Center – under the dedicated, tireless and enthusiastic leadership of its executive director, Sherry Haller – for this well-deserved national recognition.”

CAP: Sherry Haller accepts the PSN Safe Neighborhood Award from U.S. Attoney John H. Durham.

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