Southern New England News

Bi-Cultural students bring a closet-full of joy to ailing kids

Eighth-graders in the Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy (BCHA) Chesed Club raised enough money to fill David’s Treasure Chest in Stamford Hospital’s Pediatric Unit with all sorts of toys to brighten the Chanukah holiday of the unit’s children – and to make the Chanukah wishes of 25 children from Ohel, a foster home for Jewish children, come true. The club was also able to donate money to Zechron Menachem, an organization in Israel that provides cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy with wigs.

“This project really brightens a child’s day, week, and in some cases, month,” said one of the BCHA students. “The importance of giving to those in need is so major. That is why we take these opportunities, not for ourselves, but for those who really need it. When one gives, he or she can change another person’s life.”

CAP: The BCHA Chesed Club fills up David’s Treasure Chest with Chanukah presents for children in Stamford Hospital’s Pediatric Unit.

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