Letters to the Ledger Opinion

Letters to the Ledger

President Trump Doesn’t Deserve to Be Ridiculed

I share my pain with the Jewish community of Pittsburgh and the 11 holy souls who were killed. May their memories be for a blessing.

May God bless the rabbi of Tree of Life Synagogue who has shown such courage in the face of adversity and welcomed President Trump and his family.

We have been fortunate, with God’s help, to have a President who is interested in and cares about the well-being of this great nation and its people. He has shown much understanding to make America great, protect freedom, and the safety of Israel. He is also a great friend to the Jewish people.

He has been abused and if 10 angels came down from heaven and said he is doing a good job it would not stop the mockery. May Hashem watch over President Trump and his family. May he continue in the path of righteousness.

Major General Orde Wingate, an officer in the Mandatory British Palestine Army, who was responsible for the creation of the Israel Defense Forces, stated “Jews appreciate their enemies and reject their friends.”

Esia B. Friedman
A child Holocaust survivor
West Hartford

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