Southern New England News

A Championship Season

The Greater Hartford Synagogue Softball League wrapped up its 27th season with an exciting championship game pitting the B’nai Tikvoh-Sholom/Temple Sinai team against the current champs, the Mazel Tov (AKA Solomon Schechter Day School alumni) team. In a thrilling 11-10 come-from-behind victory, Mazel Tov broke a league record by taking home the team’s fifth consecutive championship trophy. Now that another season is in the record books, the league is seeking additional players/teams to fill out rosters for next season. Those interested are encouraged to contact League Commissioner Alan Cetel at

CAP: Alan Cetel presents the Greater Hartford Synagogue Softball League Commissioner’s Trophy to Mazel Tov Team Captain Levi Chatinover (and son).

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