RYAN BERKOWITZ, son of Stacy and Eyal Berkowitz, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 19 at Congregation B’nai Torah in Trumbull.
JACOB JOSEPH, son of Tracy Smith and Dan Joseph, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 19 at Farmington Valley Jewish Congregation-Emek Shalom in Simsbury.
SARA LEISAWITZ, daughter of Farhana and Michael Leisawitz, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 19 at Congregation B’nai Israel in Bridgport.
CAMERAN PALERMO, daughter of Amy and Gary Palermo, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 19 at Congregation Or Shalom in Orange.
JESSE PALERMO, son of Amy and Gary Palermo, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 19 at Congregation Or Shalom in Orange.
GABRIELLA RADIN, daughter of Gregory Radin, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 19 at Congregation Beth Israel in West Hartford.
GABRIELLE SAFFAN, daughter of Judith and Howard Saffan, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 19 at Congregation Beth El in Norwalk.
NINA WEISS, daughter of Deborah Kemp-Weiss and Michael Weiss, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, May 19 at Congregation B’nai Israel in Bridgeport.
SPENCER WRIGHT, son of Erica and Peter Wright, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, May 19 at Congregation Beth El in Fairfield.