PRIZMAH Center for Jewish Day Schools and the William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education of the Jewish Theological Seminary have partnered to present the 2018 Lay Leader Institute. Scheduled to take place Sunday, January 21 and Monday, January 22 at the Akiba Academy of Dallas in Texas, the goal of the Institute is to teach board chairs, heads of school and board members strategies for building an exceptional board and a stronger partnership between lay and professional leaders. The event is for school teams of at least two people and will be facilitated by experts from Prizmah and DSLTI, such as: Dr. Ray Levi, Rabbi Larry Scheindlin, Jane Taubenfeld Cohen and Ilisa Cappell.
Cost for a team of two is $400; $115 for each additional team member. All meals included in cost.
For more information contact Ray Levi, ralevi@jtsa.edu or Ilisa Cappell at ilisac@prizmah.org, or visit prizmah.org.