WEST HARTFORD – The Mandell JCC has announced the line-up of authors for its 25th Annual Jewish Book Festival, which opens Sunday, Oct. 8, and wraps up Saturday, Nov. 18. The fall-only Festival, which represents a return to the Festival’s roots, will feature nine authors and a broad spectrum of genres. Here’s a brief look at the Festival’s schedule of speakers:
SUNDAY, OCT. 8, 2 p.m.
Joan Nathan will discuss her new cookbook, King Solomon’s Table: A Culinary Exploration of Jewish Cooking from Around the World. A pre-event lunch will feature recipes from her new book. Tickets: $40 ($100/ticket, lunch, reserved seat)
TUESDAY, OCT. 10, 12 p.m.
Judge Jon O. Newman, author of Benched: Abortion, Terrorists, Drones, Crooks, Supreme Court, Kennedy, Nixon, Demi Moore and Other Tales from the Life of a Federal Judge. Co-sponsored by UConn School of Law. $25, includes a light lunch.
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 11, 12 noon
Jamie Brenner, author of The Forever Summer. Hosted by the Beth El Women’s Network. $20/JCC & Beth El Women’s Network members; $25/non-members
TUESDAY, OCT. 17, 7 p.m.
“Hot Buzz About Books,” with Roxanne Cody, president of RJ Julia Booksellers. $5/in advance, $10/at the door.
Jeremy Dauber, author of Jewish Comedy; A Serious History. Hosted by the Charter Oak Cultural Center in Hartford. FREE.
MONDAY, OCT. 23, 7:30 p.m.
Alexandra Silber, author of After Anatevka. Inspired by the leganedary musical “Fiddler on the Roof.” Also featuring guest speaker Darko Tresnjak, artistic director of the Hartford Stage. $20
THURSDAY, OCT. 26, 7 p.m.
Nathan Englander, New York Times best-selling author will discuss his new book Dinner at the Center of the Earth. $36
TUESDAY, NOV. 7, 7 p.m.
Bonnie Rochman, author of The Gene Machine: How Genetic Technologies are Changing the Way we Have Kids – and the Kids We Have. $20
SATURDAY, NOV. 18, 8 p.m.
Stephen Tobolowsky, an actor who has appeared in hundreds of TV shows and films, including “Thelma & Louise,” “Deadwood,” “Glee,” “Groundhog Day,” and more, will discuss and perform part of his book My Many Adventures with God. $20
Event locations and ticket prices vary. For more details and/or to download a Festvial brochure visit mandelljcc.org. For tickets call (860) 231-6316 or email tickets@mandelljcc.org.