Southern New England News

Author of book about two Jewish sisters and their ties to Leon Trotsky to speak in Washington, CT

WASHINGTON – Roberta Satow Wool, author of Two Sisters of Coyoacan will talk about her new book at the Gunne Memorial Library in Washington, Connecticut on Thursday, August 24 at 6:30 p.m.

Based on a true story about Leon Trotsky, Two Sisters of Coyoacan brings to life the conflicts of the artistic, intellectual and political world of New York, Paris and Coyoacán, Mexico in the 1930s.

Lilly and Gertie are Jewish girls from Brooklyn whose parents, like many American Jews, supported the overthrow of the Czarist regime by the Bolsheviks in 1917. Through her college professor, Marxist philosopher Sidney Hook, Lilly is invited to be John Dewey’s assistant and accompanies him to Coyoacán for the proceedings of the Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made Against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials.

Two Sisters of Coyoacan follows the life of two Jewish sisters who unknowingly become entangled in a plot conceived by Stalin to eliminate a powerful enemy. It tells the story of what happened to two well-meaning young women from Brooklyn when Trotsky is assassinated.

Gunn Memorial Library is located at 5 Wykeham Rd in Washington.

The book talk and signing is free and open to the public. To register: (860) 868-7586,

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