
Rabbi David Small receives honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree

WEST HARTFORD – Rabbi David J. Small, spiritual leader of The Emanuel Synagogue in West Hartford, has been awarded a Doctor of Divinity degree, honoris causa, from the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS).

He received the honorary degree at a convocation honoring members of the Rabbinical Assembly who have served as rabbis for 25-plus years, held March 2 at Sutton Place Synagogue in New York.

A member of the clergy at the Emanuel Synagogue since 2002, Small previously served in pulpits in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and New Rochelle, New York. In addition to his work at the West Hartford Conservative congregation, he advises the Ethics Committee of Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, serves on the Va’ad Hakavod of the Rabbinical Assembly, and mentors JTS rabbinic interns and local college students. He also serves as a trustee of Foodshare and a member of the Greater Hartford Rabbinic Association.

“As president, I am well aware of Rabbi Small’s duties, but performing a duty is not the same as being emotionally present in someone’s life when they need you most. That’s what our rabbi does. To do so whenever the need arises requires a lifelong, compassionate and skilled commitment to the job,” said Emanuel’s president, Dr. Sheila Silverman, in noting Rabbi Small’s achievement.

A graduate of Yale University and the Jewish Theological Seminary, Rabbi Small also studied at the Hebrew University, Yeshivat Hamivtar, and the Shalom Hartman Institute, all in Jerusalem.

He and his wife, Debbie Chameides, are the parents of three children.

CAP: Rabbi David Small, spiritual leader of The Emanuel Synagogue in West Hartford, receives an honorary doctor of divinity degree from the Jewish Theological Seminary. Photo credit: Leon Chameides









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