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New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival opens March 30

NEW YORK, N.Y. – The American Sephardic Federation (ASF) has announced the programs for its weeklong New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival (NYSJFF) which opens March 30. Festival highlights include:

  • “Sephardim in the Shoah” (Sunday, April 2) – Focusing on the untold stories of how Sephardic Jews from Algeria, Tunisia, and Greece suffered during the Holocaust.
  • “From Ethiopia to Israel” (Tuesday, April 4) explores the challenges of emigration.
  • “An Evening of Empowering Sephardi Women” (Monday, April 3) – Three films that explore women’s experiences and highlight differences in gender relations and expectations between Ashkenazi and Sephardi communities.
  • “Love, Sephardi Style” (Tuesday, April 4) – An evening of short films that explore modern romance and relationships from several Sephardi perspectives, including Israeli and Persian. An interactive discussion will follow.

The Festival will screen all films and events at ASF’s home, the Center for Jewish History at 15 West 16th Street. A complete schedule of films is available at

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