NEW YORK, N.Y.–The Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem has debuted “Walk of Art: Visionary Shoes”, an exhibition that explores the art and cult-following of women’s shoes. The “Walk of Art: Visionary Shoes” will run through Feb. 13. Presented in the Parasol Projects Gallery of the New York Bowery, the exhibition will feature more than 60 contemporary designs, all created by alumni and students of the Israel-based academy.
“Shoes are objects that have an almost mystical ability to instantly rivet us,’ said curator Ya’ara Keydar. The “Walk of Art: Visionary Shoes” is an exploration of the charged history, iconic shapes and mystery that so often surrounds shoes through the lens of burgeoning Israeli designers and alumni of the Bezalel.”
The art interpretation ranges from renowned artist Sigalit Landau’s well-known Dead Sea project’s salt-crystallized shoes to fanciful explorations in footwear using porcelaine, glass, metal, wood, to futuristic 3D printed shoes, impossible platforms, wedges, and heels. The exhibition, says Keydar, creates a thoughtful journey between the ephemeral and the perennial, the beautiful and the painful, the mythology and reality of some of the most charged and coveted objects in fashion history.
Notable designers featured in the exhibition will include leading shoe artist Kobi Levi, who has designed shoes worn by Lady Gaga, leather goods fashion house Daniella Lehavi and many more.
For more information about Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, visit bezalelfriends.org. For more information about the exhibition, visit walkartexhibition.com.