
Take the Technion Rube Goldberg Challenge

The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology invites high school students to take part in the Technion Rube Goldberg Machine Earth Day Challenge.

A Rube Goldberg machine is a chain-reaction contraption that is deliberately over-engineered to perform a simple task in a complicated fashion. Technion International invites teams of high school students from around the world to use out-of-the-box problem solving to build a multi-step machine that creatively incorporates environmentally themed elements in honor of Earth Day, April 22.

Winners will be selected based on their creative rendition of the slogan “The Earth is in our Hands.” Students on the winning team will receive a full scholarship toward one year of study at the Technion. The team that comes in second will receive a 3D printer for their school. The third-place team will receive an Arduino set. The most popular videos will be shared on the Technion’s YouTube channel and social media.

Registration deadline is Feb. 1. Deadline for entries (submitted by video) is March 1.

For more information: admissions@int.technion.ac.il, http://int.technion.ac.il/technion-school-challenge/

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