Around Connecticut Southern New England News

Duncaster introduces the ‘60 Over 60’ awards

Duncaster has announced the introduction of its “60 over 60” Awards, designed to let the world know that people over the age of 60 are still making things happen. To do just that, the Bloomfield retirement community has launched a statewide search for 60 people over the age of 60 who are living inspiring lives; people who have started a business, given birth to a movement made a difference in someone’s life.

Nominees must have reached the age of 60 by Jan. 1, 2017, and must live in the state of Connecticut at least five months a year. Anyone is free to nominate a 60-year-old – you may even nominate yourself. Nominations must be submitted no later than Feb. 13.

Nominations must be submitted in Word format through the Duncaster website, email or mail. For more information or to nominate someone: (860) 380-5005,,

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