A calendar of events celebrating the Festival of Lights taking place around the state this week.
Bloomfield – Latkes & Lights; havdalah followed by menorah lighting; bring your menorah, candles and matches; enjoy latkes; 6 p.m.; B’nai Tikvoh-Sholom, 180 Still Rd., (860) 243-3576, office@btsonline.org.
Glastonbury – Community Chanukah Celebration on the Glastonbury Green, hosted by the Benet Rothstein Chabad Jewish Center; lighting of giant menorah, Chanukah laser lights, music, dancing, huge inflatable “Mr. Dreidel,” hot cider, latkes, raffles; 7 p.m.; Corner Main St. and Hebron Ave.; (860) 659-2422, rabbi@chabader.com, chabader.com. FREE
DECEMBER 24 – 31
Manchester – Lighting of the menorah every night on the lawn of Beth Sholom B’nai Israel; in the event of inclement weather, candle lighting will take place indoors; 6 p.m. (Dec. 30 at 4 p.m.); (860) 643-9563, myshul.org. FREE
Colchester – Community Chanukah Celebration on the Colchester Town Green, hosted by Chabad Jewish Center; lighting of giant menorah, Chanukah laser lights, music, dancing, huge inflatable “Mr. Dreidel,” hot cider, latkes, raffles; 4 p.m.; (860) 659-2422, rabbi@chabader.com, chabader.com. FREE
West Hartford – “Fire on Ice,” annual Chanukah celebration at Blue Back Square; master ice-carver will sculpt a giant menorah; events include candle lighting, chocolate gelt drop, interactive construction of a huge Lego dreidel, live entertainment, grand fire show, CAN-orah (donate a can of food that will then be constructed into a large menorah and donated to a local food pantry); food for sale; heated tent; 4 p.m.; hosted by Chabad of Greater Hartford, (718) 974-9393, rabbishaya@chabadhartford.com, chabadhartford.com. FREE
Enfield – Community Chanukah Celebration at Enfield Square Mall, hosted by Chabad Jewish Center; lighting of giant menorah, music and dancing, Chanukah laser lights, music, dancing, huge inflatable “Mr. Dreidel,” hot cider, latkes, raffles; 4 p.m.; (860) 659-2422, rabbi@chabader.com, chabader.com. FREE
Weston – Lighting of giant outdoor menorah led by Rabbi Levi Stone of the Schneerson Center; live music, chocolate gelt, dreidels; 4:45 p.m. at Weston Town Center, 190 Weston Rd., (203) 635-4118 or visit www.schneersoncenter.org. FREE
Wilton – Lighting of giant outdoor menorah led by Rabbi Levi Stone of the Schneerson Center; live music, chocolate gelt, dreidels; 6 p.m.; on Wilton Town Green, (203) 635-4118 or visit www.schneersoncenter.org. FREE
West Hartford – Chanukah candle lighting in Chase Family Gallery; 4:30 p.m.; Mandell JCC, 335 Bloomfield Ave., (860) 236-4571. FREE
Norwalk – Lighting of giant outdoor menorah at Stew Leonard’s led by Rabbi Yehoshua Hecht of Beth Israel and Rabbi Levi Stone of the Schneerson Center; live music, latkes, chocolate gelt, dreidels; 5 p.m.; (203) 866-0534, www.bethisraelct.org. FREE
Tolland – Community Chanukah Celebration on the Tolland Town Green, hosted by Chabad Jewish Center; lighting of giant menorah, music and dancing, Chanukah laser lights, music, dancing, huge inflatable “Mr. Dreidel,” hot cider, latkes, raffles; 6 p.m.; (860) 659-2422, rabbi@chabader.com, chabader.com. FREE
Westport – Lighting of giant outdoor menorah at Compo Acres Shopping Center, 400 Post Rd. East, near Trader Joe’s and Wells Fargo Bank, led by Rabbi Levi Stone of the Schneerson Center; live music, chocolate gelt, dreidels; 6 p.m.; (203) 635-4118, www.schneersoncenter.org. FREE
West Hartford – Fifth Annual Chanukah Open House and Menorah Exhibit; featuring over 100 menorahs belonging to Hoffman-SummerWood residents and their families; 2 – 6 p.m.; Hoffman SummerWood, 160 Simsbury Rd., (860) 523-3808, hoffmansummerwood.org.
Ellington – Community Chanukah Celebration at Arbor Park, hosted by Chabad Jewish Center; lighting of giant menorah, music and dancing, Chanukah laser lights, huge inflatable “Mr. Dreidel,” hot cider, latkes, raffles; 6 p.m.; (860) 659-2422, rabbi@chabader.com, chabader.com. FREE
West Hartford – Annual Chanukah Party, 6 p.m., Beit Mordechai, 1137 Trout Brook Rd. $5/child; $10/adult; $30/family
Simsbury – “Hanukkah Hop!” Shabbat/Chanukah service and community chanukiyah lighting, 6:30 – 7 p.m.; dessert, music and dreidel games, 7 – 7:30 p.m.; bring your menorahs to light; Farmington Valley Jewish Congregation-Emek Shalom, 55 Bushy Hill Rd., fvjc.org, (860) 658-1075. $5, reservations by Dec. 23.
South Windsor – Chanukah Semi-Potluck Shabbat Dinner; dinner 5:45 p.m., followed by menorah lighting and services; bring one dish to feed 10 people; chopped liver, brisket, chicken, latkes provided; Temple Beth Hillel, 20 Baker Lane, (860) 644-9796, (860) 282-8466, (860) 871-0532. $5/adults, $2.50/children under 10
West Hartford – Kabbalat Shabbat and Annual Chinese Dinner to celebrate end of Chanukah, 6:30 p.m., Congregation Beth Israel, 701 Farmington Ave., RSVP by Dec. 26: (860) 233-8215 or bethisrael@cbict.org; $20/adults; $10/children; $50/family max.