FAIRFIELD – Fairfield resident Ronald B. Young will be honored a breakfast hosted by Congregation Beth El on Sunday morning, Oct. 30 at the Norwalk synagogue. Young is the recipient of the 2016 Most Honored Minyan Person for his participation in the morning minyan service as well as his volunteer service to the congregation and the community.
At Beth El, Young often leads services at weekday morning minyan, often reads from the Torah, and frequently serves as an usher at weekly Shabbat services as well as during the annual Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. Every Thursday morning he prepares breakfast for worshippers who attend the minyan service. A member of Beth El’s Board of Directors, he serves on the congregation’s Finance Committee, and previously served on the Spiritual Life Committee. He and his wife, Norma Young, are former co-presidents of the PTO of the synagogue’s religious school. He is also a past co-president of Beth El’s Men’s Club and is currently a participant in the synagogue choir, which he describes as one of his greatest joys.
In addition to his volunteer work at Beth El, Young has is a former treasurer of the Kiwanis Club, Charter Oak Business Group, and Widowed Persons Services of Greater Bridgeport, where he was also a board member. He has also served as a mentor with and treasurer of Buddy Mentor, Bridgeport’s student-mentoring program.
An attorney and a certified public accountant, Young has a CPA practice in Fairfield and Wilton, and practices law in New York. He and his wife are the parents of two adult children.
For more information call (203) 374-5544.