Around Connecticut Southern New England News

Alan Zweibel leaves ‘em laughing in West Hartford

On Tuesday evening, Sept. 20, more than 200 men were treated to a behind-the-scenes look at “Saturday Night Live,” thanks to Emmy Award-winning comedy writer Alan Zweibel, guest speaker at “Visions 2017,” the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford’s largest annual men’s philanthropy event, held this year at The Emanuel Synagogue in West Hartford. Zweibel, of one of SNL’s original writers, also shared stories of the many comedic superstars he has worked with – including his best friend, the late great Gilda Radner. Visions 2017 is part of Federation’s 2017 Annual Campaign and is sponsored by more than 20 local organizations. The event raises resources for programs and initiatives that benefit 15,000 families in Greater Hartford and the Jewish community in Israel and 60 countries overseas.

CAP: At Visions 2017: (l to r) Daniel Schwartz, Federation’s 2017 Business Partnership chair; Federation President/CEO Howard Sovronsky; Cary Lakenbach, Federation first vice chair; Eric Zachs, Federation board chair; Alan Zweibel; Ronald Fishman, Greg Patchen, Daniel Kaufman and Michael Fish, Visions 2017 co-chairs.

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